NEA taking the past into the future


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  • 2016-12-07 9:02 AM | Michelle Romero

    As members of New England Archivists know, this past month we've been voting on the new NEA leadership for Vice President/President Elect, Treasurer, and one of our Representatives-at-Large.

    The votes have been counted and election results are in. Please join the 2016 Nominating Committee in congratulating the winners:

    Vice President/President Elect (2017-2020): Karen Adler Abramson
    Treasurer (2017-2019): Emily Atkins
    Representative-at-Large (2017-2020): John Campopiano

    The membership also approved the proposed NEA Code of Conduct policy.

    Thank you to all who voted in this year's election and a big thank you to all of the candidates. We appreciate your willingness to run. And to all members of NEA: consider running for elected office in a future election.

    New England Archivists 2016 Nominating Committee
    -- Colin Lukens (Chair)
    -- Sarah Demb
    -- Lisa Long Feldmann
    -- Peter Nelson
    -- Adrienne Pruitt
    -- Megan Schwenke

  • 2016-12-02 9:03 AM | Michelle Romero

    In a new initiative to provide cost effective continuing education to our membership, New England Archivists is now offering on-site SAA webinars. We recently had a successful webinar at the Avon Free Public Library in Avon, CT and now we have two more upcoming webinar and networking events planned:

    Basics of Managing Electronic Records | Boston, MA | Monday, December 19, 2016 
    Introduction to Processing Digital Records and Manuscripts | Medford, MA | Friday, January 27, 2017

    Join NEA December 19th at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston for our 2nd on-site webinar and networking event. Meet up with colleagues to watch SAA’s webinar, “Basics of Managing Electronic Records: Getting You Started!,” followed by small group discussions of how to apply the tools and techniques presented in the webinar at your own organization. Light refreshments will be provided. 

    If you are seeking your DAS certification, or just want to enhance your understanding of working with born digital records, this webinar viewing and networking event is an opportunity to explore the topic at a greatly reduced rate. For those attendees who wish to take the exam, information will be provided at the event for you. Each exam costs $35.00, payable by the attendee to SAA.

    About the webinar, “Basics of Managing Electronic Records: Getting You Started!” 
    All archives must address the management of electronic records to some degree, and you may not have the background in electronic records or the confidence to tackle this daunting task! This webinar provides you the basics you need to start solving your electronic records problems. Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to: 
    1) Identify common preservation formats of electronic records; 
    2) Describe appraising, accessioning, and preserving electronic records; 
    3) Begin working with records creators; and 
    4) Start promoting and continuing your electronic records program. 

    About the on-site event 
    Monday, December 19, 2016 
    -- Webinar: 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 
    -- Discussion: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

    John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
    Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125 

    Fees: Students: $5.00 NEA Members: $10.00 Non-NEA Members: $15.00 
    Register online at:

    NEA thanks the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum for hosting the second webinar and networking event.

    NEA's next SAA webinar and networking event will be at Tufts University in Medford, MA. Meet up with colleagues to watch SAA’s on-demand webinar, Introduction to Processing Digital Records and Manuscripts, followed by small group discussions of how to apply the tools and techniques presented in the webinar at your own organization. Light refreshments will be provided. 

    About the on-site event in Medford, MA 
    Friday, January 27, 20176 
    -- Webinar: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
    -- Discussion: 3:30 p.m. -  5:00 p.m. 

    Tufts University (exact location on campus TBD), Medford, MA

  • 2016-12-01 12:38 PM | Michelle Romero

    Save the date and reserve your hotel room now for New England Archivists' Spring 2017 Meeting on Cape Cod from March 22-25, 2017. This year’s meeting will focus on collaboration in a changed environment. 

    Early-bird registration will open on Monday, January 16, 2017. Save the date so you can register for “Changing Tides” in Hyannis, Massachusetts, to take part in a discussion of the many ways in which the archival profession and the world around us are shifting. In addition to thought-provoking and informative sessions on Friday and Saturday, we will offer two full-day workshops and NEA’s first born-digital boot camp on Thursday. Look to future announcements on how to take part in these events.

    Other highlights include a Day of Service at the Bourne Historical Society, exciting plenary talks by Michael Lesy and K.J. Rawson, and, when you need a break from networking, a quiet room where you can sit on a comfortable couch and take a few minutes for yourself. Come explore all that Cape Cod has to offer, even in the off-season. Sign up for a tour of a local institution, and spend your down time in downtown Hyannis where you’ll find countless restaurants, bars, and shops.

    The NEA Spring 2017 Meeting will in Hyannis, MA at the Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center. There will be many opportunities for meeting attendees and their families to enjoy the Conference Center's resort amenities. For more information about how to reserve a room at the NEA meetings rates, see the NEA website

  • 2016-11-29 10:18 AM | Michelle Romero

    Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday last week. If you haven't already, you have until tomorrow to vote for the future of New England Archivists' leadership.

    Voting will close at 8:00 pm on Wednesday, November 30, 2016. Using the unique ballot ID and access code you received in the eballot email, make sure to cast your vote before 8:00 pm tomorrow.

    Visit the NEA website to review the candidate's statements and look over the final version of the NEA Code of Conduct (pdf).

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2016
    -- Colin Lukens (Chair)
    -- Sarah Demb
    -- Lisa Long Feldmann
    -- Peter Nelson
    -- Adrienne Pruitt
    -- Megan Schwenke

  • 2016-11-18 11:35 AM | Michelle Romero

    The New England Archivists 2016 Election is now open. Voting will close at 8pm on Sunday, November 27, 2016. Using the unique ballot ID and access code, make sure to cast your vote.

    This week the NEA 2016 Nominating Committee concludes our introduction to this year’s candidates.


    When voting for the next Vice President/President-Elect — you are also voting for NEA’s next President. This position has a three-year term: the first year serves as Vice President, the second year serves as President, and the third year serves as Immediate Past President. For their first year, the elected candidate will serve as Vice President. They will work closely with the President, assisting in the business of NEA and selecting the sites and chairs for upcoming Meetings. In their second year, they will become President of NEA. As President they will conduct all of NEA’s business and become the spokesperson on archival concerns within the region as well as nationally. In their third year, this person will become the Immediate Past President. They will be responsible for the Nominating Committee (which organizes and monitors the NEA election), and the Distinguished Service and Archival Advocacy Awards Committees. 

    This year we have two candidates for the position of Vice President/President-Elect (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY). Each candidate answered the question: What are NEA’s strengths and weaknesses? 

    KAREN ADLER ABRAMSON, Director of Archives, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

    Service to NEA: Member, Program Committee, Spring 2013 Meeting Co-Chair, Diversity Task Force, 2011-2013 Representative-at-Large, Board of Directors, 2006-2012 Member, Membership Recruitment and Retention Task Force, 2006-2008 Member, Program Committee, Fall 2007 Meeting Co-Chair, Program Committee, Spring 2005 Meeting 

    From Statement: I am excited about the direction in which NEA is moving and would be honored to play an active role in helping to implement the organization’s bold strategic plan and to assess its efficacy in achieving desired outcomes.  

    SARAH SHOEMAKER, Director/Associate University Librarian, University Archives & Special Collections, Brandeis University 

    Service to NEA: Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies Associate Editor and founding member of editorial team for online journal co-sponsored by Yale University and New England Archivists, 2013 – present Founding member, Communications Committee, 2010 – 2013 Panelist, “Archival Software: What's the Best Fit for your Repository?” NEA conference, November 2012 Organizer, NEA summer program “The Worth of a Book: A Look At Rare-Book Selection And Appraisal,” June 30, 2010 

    From Statement: I would welcome the opportunity to join with others to continue to expand understanding and appreciation of our valuable profession to new avenues and new eyes. 


    Also included on the ballot will be NEA Code of Conduct. NEA members will be asked to vote on the adoption of a code of conduct policy for NEA spaces and events. The formal comment period for the draft ran from April 15th to June 1st, 2016. A final version of the code and supplemental information are now available on the NEA website (PDF). 

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2016 
    -- Colin Lukens (Chair) 
    -- Sarah Demb 
    -- Lisa Long Feldmann 
    -- Peter Nelson 
    -- Adrienne Pruitt 
    -- Megan Schwenke

  • 2016-11-17 10:40 AM | Michelle Romero

    In a new initiative to provide cost effective continuing education to our membership, New England Archivists is now offering on-site SAA webinars. We have two upcoming webinar and networking events planned for two different venues: 

    Providing Access to Born Digital Archives | Avon, CT | Friday, November 18, 2016  (*space still available)
    Basics of Managing Electronic Records | Boston, MA | Monday, December 19th, 2016 


    “Providing Access to Born Digital Archives” | Avon, CT 

    TOMORROW, November 18th, is the first on-site NEA webinar and networking event at the Avon Free Public Library in Avon, Connecticut. Meet up with colleagues to watch SAA’s on-demand webinar, “Providing Access to Born Digital Archives,” followed by small group discussions of how to apply the tools and techniques presented in the webinar at your own organization. Light refreshments will be provided. Following the group discussions, attendees will have the option to get lunch on their own and return to the library for a tour of their recently renovated facilities. The tour will include the local history room, art studio for children, and the White Room, a new area that is set to launch with technology for collaborative projects. 

    If you are seeking your DAS certification, or just want to enhance your understanding of working with born digital records, this webinar viewing and networking event is an opportunity to explore the topic at a greatly reduced rate. For those attendees who wish to take the exam, information will be provided at the event for you. Each exam costs $35.00, payable by the attendee to SAA. 

    About the webinar, “Providing Access to Born Digital Archives” 
    For years, archives have focused on creating workflows for the ingest and preservation of born-digital records. Although we have become increasingly comfortable with the SIPs and AIPs of the OAIS model, many of us still struggle with the DIPs and proving access to those materials. This course will focus on the underlying policy consideration in play when providing access to born-digital records as well as provide an overview of methods and tools for providing appropriate access. The course will also demonstrate multiple tools for identifying and redacting sensitive or protected information from born-digital records. This course is primarily focused on born-digital records and will not deal with best practices for digitization projects. 

    About the Event in Avon, CT 
    Friday, November 18, 2016 
    -- Webinar: 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. 
    -- Discussion: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 
    -- Lunch on your own 
    -- Optional tour: 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. 

    Avon Free Public Library 
    281 Country Club Rd, Avon, CT 06001 

    Fees: Students: $5.00
    NEA Members: $10.00 
    Non-NEA Members: $15.00 

    Register online at: 

    NEA is grateful to the Avon Free Public Library for hosting our first webinar event. 


    NEA's next SAA webinar and networking event will be at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. Meet up with colleagues to watch SAA’s on-demand webinar, “Basics of Managing Electronic Records: Getting You Started!,” followed by small group discussions of how to apply the tools and techniques presented in the webinar at your own organization. Light refreshments will be provided. 

    About the Event in Boston, MA 
    Monday, December 19th, 2016 
    -- Webinar: 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. 
    -- Discussion: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 

    John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum 
    Columbia Point, Boston, MA 02125

  • 2016-11-16 9:35 AM | Michelle Romero

    Voting in the New England Archivists' 2016 Elections will open shortly. Private and secure voting will take place online through All members in good standing will receive a personal email with your unique username and password.

    This week the NEA 2016 Nominating Committee continues to introduce this year’s candidates through a series of announcements.


    The Treasurer is an active voting member on the Executive Board. They maintain NEA’s finances, develop the annual budget, work with various committees on financial policies and purchases, monitors award funds, and help keep NEA fiscally solvent. This year we have two candidates for the position of Treasurer (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY).

    Each candidate answered the question: What would you bring to your role as the NEA Treasurer?

    EMILY ATKINS, Survey Archivist, Harvard Libraries
    Service to NEA: NEA Registrar, 2013-present Project manager for the website revision taskforce Presenter “Two Takes on Early American History: Documentation and Collaboration Across Repositories,” #NEAsp16 #s206 Ad Hoc data mining project on behalf of NEA leadership reviewing past member surveys Local Arrangements Committee, #MARACNEA15 Presenter “Codices and Widgets and Plugins, Oh My! Putting WordPress to Work for Archives,” #NEAfall14
    From Statement: As Treasurer, I will build upon the strong foundation that has been laid and continue the work leveraging your money to do the most for you. Decisions we make now, such as taking advantage of bulk and multi-year discounts, will position us for a better financial future and enable our ambitious plans to come to fruition.

    NADIA DIXSON, Records Manager, City of Somerville
    Service to NEA: Panel presentation NEA Spring 2016 “Just One, I’m a Few: Lone Arranging When You Wish You Could Clone Yourself”
    From Statement: I have experience in the mundane task of recording day to day financial transactions as well as communicating regulatory requirements. I look forward to bringing the skills of my former career to my current vocation.


    Also included on the ballot will be NEA Code of Conduct. NEA members will be asked to vote on the adoption of a code of conduct policy for NEA spaces and events. The formal comment period for the draft ran from April 15th to June 1st, 2016. A final version of the code and supplemental information are now available on the NEA website (PDF).

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2016
    -- Colin Lukens (Chair)
    -- Sarah Demb
    -- Lisa Long Feldmann
    -- Peter Nelson
    -- Adrienne Pruitt
    -- Megan Schwenke

  • 2016-11-15 1:03 PM | Michelle Romero

    Due to technical difficulties with -- the 2016 New England Archivists Elections will have to be delayed for one day.

    Colin Lukens, NEA Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee, is working on resolving all technical difficulties so we can open the elections tomorrow, November 16th and run through Sunday, November 27th at 8pm. Tomorrow look for your email from with your unique username and password. 

    We apologize for any inconveniences. 

  • 2016-11-15 9:54 AM | Michelle Romero

    FINAL DAY: Deadline for session proposals for the New England Archivists' Spring 2017 Meeting is today, November 15, 2016. This year’s conference, March 22-25, 2017, in Hyannis, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, will focus on collaboration in a changed environment. Consider submitting a session proposal to help shape the discourse of the profession's current ideas and practices.

    Want to discuss the results of a pilot study or program? Have you road-tested an assessment or practice that breaks with tradition in some way? Has your institution collaborated with “non-scholarly” users for a novel or even a disruptive (i.e., innovative) project? We’d love to hear from you. We're also interested in session proposals from first-time presenters and those new to the archives profession. 

    The NEA Spring 2017 Program Committee invites proposals on all topics but is especially interested in the following: 
    -- collaboration with new or unique user groups 
    -- trained archivists working in "non-archivist" roles 
    -- archivists who have seen the profession grow and change – in what ways? 
    -- Cape Cod history and culture 
    -- cross-disciplinary projects 
    -- projects or initiatives with direct, collaborative involvement from archives users 
    -- digital humanities 
    -- digital curation and digital forensics 

    NEW RESOURCE: In order to facilitate collaboration, the NEA Spring 2017 Program Committee has created an online space for interested speakers to develop session proposals together. Use this space to connect with your colleagues about potential session topics and formats. (Please note: this collaborative space will be accessible until the deadline for proposals on November 15, 2016). 

    HOTEL AND CONFERENCE SPACE: The Spring 2017 Meeting will in Hyannis, MA at the Cape Cod Resort and Conference Center. In addition to the NEA meeting, there will be many opportunities for meeting attendees and their families to enjoy the Conference Center's resort amenities. For more information about NEA meetings rates, see the NEA website

    For more information about potential session types and how to submit a proposal -- see the Spring 2017 Meeting Session Proposal Form. Questions? Contact program chair, Krista Ferrante at or co-chair Erica Boudreau at

  • 2016-11-14 8:47 AM | Michelle Romero

    Tomorrow is the start of the 2016 New England Archivists Elections: November 15th through the 25th. Private and secure voting will take place online through You should receive an email on or around November 15th with your unique username and password.

    This week the NEA 2016 Nominating Committee will introduce this year’s candidates through a series of announcements.


    Our Representatives-at-Large are voting members on the Executive Board, liaisons with NEA standing committees, and serve on a variety of award and planning committees. They represent the general membership. This year we have three candidates for one of the four Rep-at-Large positions (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY).

    Each candidate answered the question: What activities or steps do you think would deepen NEA membership engagement?

    JOHN CAMPOPIANO, Digital Records Manager at WGBH-TV/FRONTLINE
    Service to NEA: Current member, Newsletter contributor, Spring 2016 Program Committee member, Moving Image & Recorded Sound (MIRS) Roundtable member
    From Statement: I believe strongly that through having more informal meetings centered on specific themes we can continue to bridge gaps in NEA membership, foster even more creative thinking and discussion in between annual conferences, and grow our larger network of archivists right here in New England. 

    M. MICHELLE CHILES, Research Center Coordinator for the Rhode Island Historical Society Service to NEA: Education Committee, liaison to the Constituencies Task Force, co-founded the NEA Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS), REPS Mentoring Circle Program, Fall 2014 Meeting program committee, Steering Committee Member for the NEA Local History Roundtable
    From Statement: If elected, I hope to foster a sense of pride in our profession connected to a responsibility of giving back through participation in creative educational opportunities, mentoring, and inclusion of everyone in the field. 

    GENNA DUPLISEA, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, Salve Regina University
    Service to NEA: Local Arrangements Committee (Fall 2014 Meeting); Education Committee student member (2012-2013)
    From Statement: I am interested in running for Representative-at-Large because it is a connecting position, fostering a flow of information and feedback between NEA leadership, committees, roundtables, and members. I want to hear what NEA members have to say about what’s working, what’s not, and their hopes for this organization that sustains us as professionals. 


    Also included on the ballot will be NEA Code of Conduct. NEA members will be asked to vote on the adoption of a code of conduct policy for NEA spaces and events. The formal comment period for the draft ran from April 15th to June 1st, 2016. A final version of the code and supplemental information are now available on the NEA website (PDF).

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2016
    -- Colin Lukens (Chair)
    -- Sarah Demb
    -- Lisa Long Feldmann
    -- Peter Nelson
    -- Adrienne Pruitt
    -- Megan Schwenke

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