NEA taking the past into the future


Each November, the membership chooses who will sit on the Executive Board, per NEA By-laws, Section 5. We encourage all current NEA members to shape our organization by participating as either a voter or a candidate. 

Election winners are announced shortly after voting ends by the NEAdiscuss listserv. They take office at the close of the Annual Business Meeting held in the spring.


A Nominating Committee is responsible for constructing a slate of candidates through direct outreach and peer or self-nominations. The Immediate Past President chairs the committee and the Executive Board appoints its members.


The NEA election is typically held in early November via secure online ballot. The election is open to all members in good standing at the time the election opens. These members will receive a link to the online ballot system via email.  

To be eligible to vote in November, make sure your membership is current and that your contact information, including email address, is up to date in the NEA membership database. Contact the Registrar if you experience difficulty renewing your membership or updating your information.

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