NEA taking the past into the future


New England Archivists offers a number of scholarship opportunities as a benefit to our members to help defray the cost of professional development.

For individual members we offer the Meeting and Travel Assistance Scholarship and for Student members we offer the Susan J. von Salis Student Meeting and Travel Scholarship. The Inclusion and Diversity Committee sponsors a session scholarship to promote themes of diversity and inclusion at the meeting.

Additionally all individual members who self-identify as un- or underemployed are eligible for the “Bridge-rate” registration. This special rate was an initiative of the membership committee on the behest of the membership, voted on January 13, 2012.

Click on the name of any award above for more details and how to apply.  Questions? Feedback? Contact the Representatives-at-Large at

Your continued support for these professional awards and scholarships makes possible our mission to connect and support the diverse individuals and organizations in New England responsible for the care of cultural heritage and the documentary record. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to one our our award funds today.


Show Your Institution the Value of Professional Development with New England Archivists

Attending an NEA meeting is beneficial to both you and your institution. Demonstrating how you will be more valuable to your institution after attending NEA is a crucial strategy in asking for time off and support for registration and travel expenses. In these times of reduced funding for professional development, be prepared with solid reasoning and facts to convince your institution to send you to NEA. Let us help you with these simple steps.

  1. Explain to your supervisor how you will help make your institution more effective when you implement ideas, strategies, techniques, and new technologies you bring back from NEA.
  2. Review the pre-meeting workshops to see if any can help build your skills, which will have a direct impact on your institution.
  3. Go over the program with your supervisor to identify sessions that can help you do your job better.
  4. Talk with colleagues who are not planning to go to see if there are sessions that they would like you to attend and ask them what kind of information you can bring back for them. Show how you attending NEA can benefit their work.
  5. Remind your supervisor that NEA’s schedule is flexible. You can attend one day (either Friday or Saturday) or both days. Whatever you choose, you will most likely only miss one day of work.
  6. Determine the exact cost (including registration, hotel, and travel) and show how much you can save by registering at early bird rates and booking your hotel room before the room rate discount expires.
  7. Establish a plan for how you will pass on what you learned at NEA. Show how you will share session notes and vendor information with colleagues. Explain how you will implement one new idea you learned at NEA. Send it to your supervisor in a report when you return.
  8. Show how your institution’s reputation will grow by being committed to professional development. Show how your institution’s network will strengthen as you engage with fellow attendees.
  9. Apply for an NEA Meeting and Travel Assistance Scholarship to help defray registration and travel costs. ($400 for members and $350 for student members).

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