NEA taking the past into the future


A downloadable and print-ready handout with information on Board procedures for both the Annual Business Meeting and quarterly Executive Board meetings is available.


  1. When should we vote?
    If the proposal
    1. changes to policies or procedures
    2. individuals or money
    3. creation of a Committee, Roundtable, or Task Force
    4. dissolution of a Committee, Roundtable, or Task Force

  2. How do we make motions and vote?
    Making a motion or taking a vote can happen either:
    1. via email
    2. at the quartely Executive Board Meetings
    Any voting member of the Board can call for a vote or make a motion (with the exception of the President - see below).

  3. Does the maker of a motion get a vote?

  4. How do we count the votes when Board Members are unavailable and don't vote?
    This is counted as a 0.

  5. What makes up a quorum?
    In person: Five voting members, one of whom must be the President or Vice-President, shall consititute a quorum.
    Via email: Five voting members, one of whom must be the President or Vice-President, shall consititute a quorum.

  6. Can the President make a motion?

  7. How do we handle voting when a motion to amend the main motion has been brought forward?
    A voting member may propose an amendment, even after a vote has been called for. If the original proposer accepts the amendment and there is no objection, the amendment becomes part of the original motion.

Use of Board Meeting Time

  1. Discussions that are complex and lend themselves to in-person conversation, e.g., strategic planning brainstorming, budget, policy and procedure discussions.
  1. Reports for the purpose of reporting are unnecessary. Committee reports are sent to Board Members prior to the Board Meeting and there is an understanding that Board Members have already read the reports before attending the meeting.
  1. Voting should occur at Board Meetings if there isn’t time to do this between Board Meetings or if there is a need for an in-person discussion to gain consensus or answer questions before voting.
    1. The meeting minutes from the previous Board Meeting will be voted on during Board Meetings.
  1. Discussions that have been explored as far as possible via email may be suitable for in-person discussion at a Board Meeting.

Time Between Board Meetings

  1. Discussions that are straightforward and don’t lend themselves to in-person conversation: e.g., confirming committee appointments, confirming final drafts of reports.
  2. Reading reports and getting caught up on Board activities.
  3. Motions and votes that likely won’t lead to significant discussion. e.g., committee assignments.
  4. Discussions can be moved to the Board Meeting if necessary.

As of January 8, 2015

For a complete list of policies and procedures that have been voted on by the Executive Board, as well as those that the Board has agreed to by consensus (as a “Sense of the Board”) please contact the NEA Secretary.

Our most commonly referred to policies and procedures may be found by clicking the links below.

Code of Conduct
Financial Information
Minutes (board and business)
Organizational Chart
Privacy Policy
Registration Policy
Records schedule and finding aid at UConn (how to donate materials)
Vendor Policy

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