NEA taking the past into the future


New England Archivists (NEA) defines a vendor as any individual or group that represents companies, products, or services, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. For a set fee, NEA, through its Vendor Coordinator, offers vendors and individuals representing companies, products, and services dedicated space in a variety of formats, including but not limited to advertisements in the NEA newsletter, printed conference/symposia programs, and the vendor showcase at conferences and symposia.

NEA does not restrict a vendor from becoming a member. In the case where a member is a vendor, that individual cannot abuse the privileges of being a member. The individual is prohibited from using the membership database, to which s/he will have access as a member, to advertise companies, products of services.

In an effort to eliminate any conflict of interest yet provide optimal educational opportunities, vendors:
  • may submit edited content to the newsletter by invitation or where their content reflects their views/subject(s) as a non-vendor member of NEA and does not promote companies, products, or services;
  • may present at a conference or meeting only as an invited guest on a panel, discussion group, or other programmatic component, and where their participation improves the event.

For a complete list of policies and procedures that have been voted on by the Executive Board, as well as those that the Board has agreed to by consensus (as a “Sense of the Board”) please contact the NEA Secretary.

Our most commonly referred to policies and procedures may be found by clicking the links below.

Board procedures
Code of Conduct
Financial Information
Minutes (board and business)
Organizational Chart
Privacy Policy
Records schedule and finding aid at UConn (how to donate materials)
Registration Policy

Questions? Feedback? Contact us

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