NEA taking the past into the future

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, & queer (LGBTQ) Issues Roundtable

Benny Bauer

Proposed Goals and Objectives:
The LGBTQ Issues Roundtable exists to:

  • Facilitate the sharing of news related to LGBTQ individuals in the archival professions.
  • Improve and promote the development, access, and visibility of collections related to LGBTQ history and issues.
  • Discuss the relationship between the LGBTQ community and community and/or institutional archives.
  • Increase visibility and advocate for LGBTQ membership and allies within NEA.
  • Provide the opportunity for members to discuss issues of sex and gender identity and expression within the workplace.
  • Provide resources and community support for LGBTQ individuals within the profession.

Preliminary methods by which these activities will be carried out include:

  • Development of a website and/or blog space for members to share resources, news stories, professional opportunities.
  • Establishment of an email listserv for planning and discussion.
  • Establishment of a virtual reading/discussion group.
  • Bi-annual meet-ups of the roundtable at NEA meetings.
  • Additional meet-ups, as desired and planned by the membership, to socialize, hear guest speakers, or discuss a topic.

The roundtable will be open to all members of NEA regardless of self-identification. To get involved, contact Benny Bauer.

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