NEA taking the past into the future

IDC Initiatives and Resources

Questions? Feedback? Don’t hesitate to contact the IDC at

Code of Conduct

In 2016, the NEA membership voted overwhelmingly to adopt an IDC-proposed Code of Conduct (CoC). The full text of the CoC is available to members and guests here. Please direct any questions or concerns about the CoC to the IDC at

NEA Accessibility Checklist

This checklist was developed by the Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) of New England Archivists to comply with goal 4.5.1.c of NEA’s 2016-2020 strategic plan, which called for “a planning checklist for planners of NEA events to ensure baseline accessibility and procedures for requesting and accessing additional access and accommodation services for NEA events.”
You can access the complete document here.

Racial Justice Honoraria Fund

Established in 2021, the New England Archivists Racial Justice Honoraria Fund provides honoraria to compensate people of color for their writing, research, and expertise about race, diversity, equity, marginalized communities, and other issues relating to racial justice, broadly conceived.

IDC Scholarship

First awarded in 2016, the New England Archivists Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship is given annually to the presenters of one session during the Spring Meeting. The session must be dedicated to issues of inclusion, diversity, and social justice within the profession.

Anti-racist and Anti-Oppressive Readings and Resources for Archivists

Recognizing that Archivists actively shape historical narratives through our work, and that unlearning oppressive practices is part of our lifelong learning, the IDC created a living document of anti-racist and anti-oppressive resources. Additions, corrections, and feedback are always welcome.

Contingent Employment Study

Seventy archivists completed the IDC's Contingent Employment Study online survey, which was open for responses from April 1 to July 31, 2016. Led by then Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator Anna J. Clutterbuck-Cook, the research team working on the survey conducted follow-up interviews and analyzed the results. The final report can be found here.

In 2018, NEA issued a formal statement on the status of contingent employment in the archival profession. The IDC contributed to this statement, which can be read in full here.

A second iteration of the Contingent Employment Study was launched by the Contingent Employment Study Task Force in 2021. The second study built on the work of the 2016 survey to gather and analyze longitudinal data about contingent employment in the region. The 2022 final report, which includes the methodology, results, analysis, and recommendations, is available here.

“From Ideas to Action”

Since Spring 2015, the IDC has edited a regular column in the NEA Newsletter, now called "From IDEAs to Action" (called "Who's Missing From This Table?" until 2021). IDEAs stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility. This column explores issues of inclusion within NEA and the archives profession as a whole. Have something to say regarding social justice and the archives? If you're interested in writing a guest column, please contact the IDC at to discuss your idea.

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