The Records Identification and Transfer Policy outlines practices regarding information management practices and the implementation of the New England Archivists' records schedule. NEA's records schedule is media neutral and applies to the records based on their type and function, not the formation in which they are created.
The archives of the New England Archivists were initially donated by NEA to the University of Connecticut Libraries in 1980. The records have been transferred to UConn in yearly accessions, from 1981 to the present. A finding aid describing the collection can be found on their Archives and Special Collections website.
For a complete list of policies and procedures that have been voted on by the Executive Board, as well as those that the Board has agreed to by consensus (as a “Sense of the Board”) please contact the NEA Secretary.
Our most commonly referred to policies and procedures may be found by clicking the links below.
Board Procedures
Code of Conduct
Financial Information
Minutes (board and business)
Organizational Chart
Privacy Policy
Registration Policy
Vendor Policy
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