NEA taking the past into the future


The Roundtable of Archivists of Religious Collections (RARC) will encourage collaboration between archivists of religious institutions and those who preserve religious collections.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Meet and get acquainted, ask questions, and plan events. 
  • Discuss similarities and differences regarding the scope of their collections, policies and procedures, and missions and goals of their respective institutions. 
  • Explore ramifications of current questions of particular interest to religious archives: accession/deaccession; confidentiality; visibility; research. 
  • Address the visibility and accessibility (including confidentiality) of collections to current and potential users. 
  • Plan workshops and events (with other roundtables or groups) to address questions, concerns, and help improve the overall maintenance of, and access to, religious collections. 

Contact the Representatives-At-Large if you are interested in restarting this Roundtable.

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