NEA taking the past into the future


New England Archivists grants several awards each year. Detailed information about each award and lists of previous recipients are available on the award pages by clicking the links below.

New England Archivists also offers meeting and travel scholarships to help defray the cost of professional development for our members. The Inclusion and Diversity Committee sponsors a session scholarship to promote themes of diversity and inclusion at the meeting.  

For students we also offer an annual writing prize which is published in the NEA Newsletter.

Click on the name of any award above for more details and how to apply.  Questions? Feedback? Contact the Rpresentatives-at-Large at

Your continued support for these professional development awards and scholarships contributes to our mission to connect and support the diverse individuals and organizations in New England responsible for the care of cultural heritage and the documentary record. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to one of our award or scholarship funds today.

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