NEA taking the past into the future


All NEA announcements shown on our News and Events page are also posted to the NEADiscuss listerv via To learn more or to join see our listserv information page.

  • 2015-01-08 11:32 AM | Michelle Romero

    Registration for the Spring 2015 MARAC/NEA Joint Meeting program is now open!Go online to browse the program and register for the meeting.

    Members of both NEA and MARAC have been working together diligently over the past year to bring you a fantastic three-day program that is diverse, interesting, and collaborative. There are sessions, workshops, repository tours, a Day of Service community volunteer day, and more. And of course the opportunity to network with members of the archival profession from two regional organizations.

    Get a jump on things and reserve your hotel room now (NEA members use and the code NEAJM). Room rates start at $159.

    Upcoming key dates:
    TODAY -- Early registration starts

    2/12 -- Advanced registration starts

    2/26 -- Hotel CUT-OFF for special Spring 2015 reservation prices

    3/18 -- Late/On-site registration starts

    Over the next few months we'll send out further announcements informing you of registration and hotel deadlines, workshop announcements, A Day of Service information, and periodic online program updates.

    See you in Boston!

    *PLEASE NOTE: Boston Park Plaza Hotel lists our rate for a quad as $239 a night. THIS IS INCORRECT. The actual rate is $219 -- even if your confirmation says it is $239 a night. The hotel is aware of this discrepancy and will edit the rate by hand and send you a new confirmation for the correct amount. Please be assured, you will be charged the correct rate of $219 a night.

  • 2014-12-23 7:50 AM | Michelle Romero
    The Spring 2015 MARAC/NEA Joint Meeting program is now online! Members of both NEA and MARAC have been working together diligently over the past year to bring you a fantastic three-day program that is diverse, interesting, and collaborative. There are sessions, workshops, repository tours, a Day of Service community volunteer day, and more. And of course the opportunity to network with members of the archival profession from two regional organizations.

    Get a jump on things and reserve your hotel room now (NEA members use and the code NEAJM). Room rates start at $159.

    Here are the upcoming key dates: 1/8 -- Early registration starts
    2/12 -- Advanced registration starts
    2/26 -- Hotel CUT-OFF for special Spring 2015 reservation prices
    3/18 -- Late/On-site registration starts

    Over the next few months we'll send out further announcements informing you of registration and hotel deadlines, workshop announcements, A Day of Service information, and periodic online program updates.

    See you in Boston!

    *PLEASE NOTE: Boston Park Plaza Hotel lists our rate for a quad as $239 a night. THIS IS INCORRECT. The actual rate is $219 -- even if your confirmation says it is $239 a night. The hotel is aware of this discrepancy and will edit the rate by hand and send you a new confirmation for the correct amount. Please be assured, you will be charged the correct rate of $219 a night.
  • 2014-12-16 11:35 AM | Michelle Romero

    Dear members of New England Archivists --

    As the year comes to a close, we hope you consider a contribution to NEA.  

    NEA's increasing range of scholarships and awards assist fellow members attending NEA meetings and provide professional development opportunities in areas such as records management and A/V.  These awards and scholarships help to fulfill a core function of our institution; a handful of $25 gifts could give an additional budding or under-employed archivist the chance to grow, network, and serve.  Donated funds also help to secure these opportunities for future archivists during all stages of their careers.  

    Here is NEA's current suite of awards and scholarships for your consideration: 

    Richard W. Hale, Jr. Professional Development Award

    Richard L. Haas Records Management Award

    Audio/Visual Professional Development Award

    Meeting and Travel Assistance Scholarships

    NEA is a registered 503(c)(3) non-profit and your donation is 100% tax-deductible.  

    Giving couldn't be easier.  Just follow this link to our donation page:

    Thank you and have a safe and sound holiday season,

    NEA Executive Board

  • 2014-12-15 10:10 AM | Michelle Romero

    Are you curious about how NEA works? Or are you interested in getting more involved?

    The NEA Executive Board is having their quarterly meeting on Friday, January 23.  All NEA members are welcome to attend. 

     Time:               10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    Location:           Boston College

    Connors Family Learning Center Classroom, O'Neill Library, 2nd floor

    140 Commonwealth Ave

    Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

    When you enter the O'Neill Library (probably on either the first floor or the third floor), head to the second floor, and head straight back. The Connors Family Learning Center will be clearly marked, and the assistant at the desk will direct you to the classroom.

    MBTA:              Boston College is the last stop on the outbound B line.

    Parking:            There is visitor parking in the Beacon St. garage at the intersection of Beacon and Chestnut Hill Drive, Boston, MA 02135. Head west on Beacon and the entrance to the Beacon Street Garage is just a few blocks headed west on Beacon Street. Parking is $3/hr or $25/day. Further directions and a map are available here:

    Tour:                A tour of the Burns Library, where special collections are housed, will be offered after the meeting. 

    The draft agenda will be sent to NEA members, a couple of weeks prior to the meeting.

    Please join us on January 23! Hope to see you there!

    Jill Snyder

    NEA President

  • 2014-12-05 8:56 AM | Michelle Romero

    Did you miss the Fall 2014 Meeting, "Archives in Action," on November 1st? Did you go, but wished you could have gone to more than one breakout session? You can now access the slides and other presentation materials from the sessions on NEA's website.

    And finally: If you didn't attend the fall meeting, please let us know why. Answers are anonymous and we appreciate your feedback!

  • 2014-12-04 9:28 AM | Michelle Romero

    NEA Photographer

    The Communications Committee is looking for someone to help document NEA's meetings and events. The NEA Photographer will attend all NEA Meetings to capture members and volunteers at keynote talks, sessions, and receptions. The photographer will also be required to attend other events as needed to document and share these activities. Photographs will be made available on the NEA website, published in the Newsletter, and posted on social media. When appropriate, images may also be shared with outside organizations. Rights to images will be owned by NEA with credit to the photographer.
    This position requires someone who:
    -- owns their own DSLR camera
    -- can attend all NEA Meetings* and other NEA events as needed
    -- has their own photo editing software (or access to photo editing software)
    -- will make sure CommComm, other committees, and individuals as appropriate have access to the photos in a timely manner after events

    For anyone interested in applying or if you would like more details about this position, contact Communications Committee Chair, Jessica Tanny (

    * Please note: $175 will be offered as reimbursement for travel and hotel for each of the meetings (spring and fall).

  • 2014-12-02 11:02 AM | Michelle Romero
    Apply for one of NEA's professional development awards and meeting scholarships. A key part of NEA's mission is to help support members' research and professional development. Look below to see if you qualify for any of NEA's four awards. Applications for all of the awards are due by February 15, 2015.

    Richard W. Hale, Jr. Professional Development Award

    The Hale Award of $1000 is given annually by the New England Archivists (NEA) to promote the professional development of archivists in the region. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. Applicants may propose participating in an educational program or workshop, preparing a paper for possible publication or oral presentation, attending a professional meeting, or any other activity promoting professional development. The award cannot be used to purchase supplies or equipment. Recipients are expected to submit a report on their project upon completion to the NEA Newsletter and/or present at the NEA annual meeting. 

    Application Instructions:

    • Open to members of NEA in good standing. 
    • Include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature. 
    • Please explain, in 500 words or less, the activity the award would support, the expected benefits of the activity, how the award would be used, and a timeline for completion of the project. 
    • Please attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget.

    Applications must be submitted to Jessica Sedgwick (, Hale Award Committee Chair, by February 15th.

    Richard L. Haas Records Management Award

    The Richard L. Haas Records Management Award of up to $1000 is given in support of a project that promotes increased cooperation, understanding, and knowledge between the archival and records management professions. Traditional examples of proposals include attendance at seminars or workshops, preparing articles of interest to both professions, and research projects. The grant is not limited to these suggestions. This explanation is ambiguous in the hope that applicants will be creative with their proposals. Preference, however, will be given to those that integrate records management and archival issues. Recipients are expected to submit a report on their project upon completion to the New England Archivists (NEA) Newsletter and/or present at the NEA annual meeting.

     Application Instructions: 

    • The applicant must be a practitioner, educator, or student in the areas of records management or archives in New England (the award is not limited to members of NEA). 
    • The application should include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature. 
    • Please explain, in 500 words or less, how the proposal relates to both the archival and records management professions, the expected benefits of the activity, how the award would be used, and a timeline for completion of the project. 
    • Please attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget

    Applications must be submitted to Erica Boudreau (, Haas Award Committee Chair, by February 15th.

    Audio/Visual (A/V) Professional Development Award

    The A/V Professional Development Award of up $500 is given annually by the New England Archivists (NEA) to promote the professional development of members in the field of Audio/Visual. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. Applicants may propose participating in an educational program or workshop, preparing a paper for possible publication or oral presentation, attending a professional meeting, or any other activity promoting professional development in areas of A/V. The award cannot be used to purchase supplies or equipment. Recipients are expected to submit a report on their project upon completion to the NEA Newsletter and/or present at the NEA annual meeting.

     Application Instructions: 

    • Open to members of NEA in good standing. 
    • The application should include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature. 
    • Please explain, in 500 words or less, the activity the award would support, the expected benefits of the activity, how the award would be used, and a timeline for completion of the project. 
    • Please attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget.

    Applications must be submitted to Tessa Cierny (, AV Professional Development Award Committee Chair, by February 15th.

    Meeting and Travel Assistance Scholarships

    New England Archivists (NEA) is committed to the professional development of its members and recognizes the importance of attending the annual spring meeting to engage with colleagues, keeping abreast of new archival theories and technologies, and networking. NEA also recognizes the importance of offering these opportunities to student members. Scholarship funds may be used for meeting registration, meals, and travel expenses. The number of awards and award amounts vary by year.

    Application Instructions:


    • Open to all non-student members of NEA in good standing. 
    • The application should include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature. 
    • Please explain, in 500 words or less, the expected benefits of attending the meeting and why financial assistance is needed. 
    • Please attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget.


    • Open to all student members of NEA in good standing. 
    • The application should include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature. 
    • Please explain, in 500 words or less, the expected benefits of attending the meeting and why financial assistance is needed. 
    • Please attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget.

    Applications must be submitted to Silvia Mejia (, Meeting and Travel Assistance Scholarships Committee Chair, by February 15th.

  • 2014-11-24 1:06 PM | Michelle Romero

    Votes have been counted and the election results are in! Please join the 2015 Nominating Committee in congratulating the winners:

    Vice-President/President-elect (2015): Jennifer Gunter King 

    Treasurer (2015-2017): Juliana Kuipers 

    Representative-at-Large (2015-2018): Jessica Sedgwick

    For more information on the winners, please go to: And NEA sends a big thank you to all those who volunteered to run this year.

  • 2014-11-19 11:57 AM | Michelle Romero

    The NEA Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Anna Clutterbuck-Cook as NEA's first Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator. Her term will run for a three-year period, beginning November 2014 and ending November 2017.

    Anna, a member of NEA since 2007, currently serves as the Reference Librarian at the Massachusetts Historical Society. Born and raised in Michigan, Anna earned her B.A. in Women’s Studies and History from Hope College (Holland, Mich.) before moving to Boston in 2007 to pursue her M.A. (History) and M.L.S. (Archives Management) at Simmons College. In 2013, she and her wife, Hanna Clutterbuck-Cook, co-founded the LGBTQ Issues Roundtable (

    Anna is excited to be serving as Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator for NEA. This new position on the Board is an opportunity to bring my scholarly and political interest in social justice work to bear within my own professional community,” she says. “We come to our work as archivists from a wide variety of backgrounds, have varied careers, face unique personal and professional challenges -- and yet all of us are members of this profession and deserve the institutional and community support of our colleagues within NEA.”

    In Anna’s view, one of the responsibilities of an Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator is “to offer hospitality and resources to those who may otherwise feel unwelcome. As much as possible, NEA should remove the burden of making requests for accessibility and inclusion off the shoulders of those who face historical or structural discrimination. Within the organization, I will work to hold leadership accountable to our expressed commitment to diversity and inclusion by raising questions, seeking out resources, and offering immediate and long-term suggestions for change. The process of becoming a welcoming and inclusive organization is continual, and my hope is to establish a durable framework for meeting the needs of NEA’s diverse constituency for years to come.

     NEA's diversity initiative began in 2010 with the adoption of a new member-approved strategic plan. In 2011, the Board formed a Diversity Task Force, co-chaired by Karen Adler Abramson (of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library) and Michelle Gachette (of Harvard University Archives). In the final report, submitted to the NEA Board in 2013, the Diversity Task Force recommended that NEA establish a sustainable inclusion and diversity program. After the official statement was adopted in early 2014 (, the search began for an Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator.

     Over the next few months Anna will actively seek out individuals and groups within NEA to listen to their ideas and thoughts on inclusion and diversity in our region. She encourages people to contact her through her email (, through Twitter (@feministlib), or through her blog, The Feminist Librarian.

    NEA is excited to have Anna on board to help lead NEA toward becoming a more inclusive and diverse organization.

  • 2014-11-18 11:00 AM | Michelle Romero


    By continuing to build our presence online through social media, NEA is able to provide another venue for archivists to gather and share ideas. During meetings and events we encourage conversations on Twitter and Facebook to bring in a wider audience.
    But what happens when the event is over? What is the point of all these online conversations?

    For the Fall 2014 Meeting, Elise Dunham, CommComm's social media coordinator, curated a Storify page that tells the narrative of our online social media conversations surrounding the symposium. She created a structure for the story and added annotations -- reconstructing the narrative of the Fall 2014 Meeting.

    Our story starts: "Attendees embarked from all over New England the morning of November 1 to convene in Newport, RI, for a rainy day in the City by the Sea..."

    We invite you to read the NEA Fall 2014 Storify page.



    Since attendance was low for the Fall 2014 Meeting, we would like anyone who did NOT attend the symposium to answer a one-question survey telling us your reason why.

    Answers are anonymous and there is room t
    o add commentsif you wish.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    New England Archivists Communications Committee

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