Distinguished Service Award
The submission deadline for the DSA has been extended to February 15th! Who will you nominate for 2015?
In Megan Sniffin-Marinoff’s 2006 nomination, Brenda Lawson said "If one were to ask a room full of members of New England Archivists who they considered to be their mentor, I would venture to guess that at least half would answer Megan."
If that sounds like someone you know, consider nominating them for the Distinguished Service Awards. All you need to do in order to nominate someone is submit language detailing why you feel the candidate deserves the NEA DSA. Although they are not required, additional materials such as a curriculum vitae (resume), publications, work products, course outlines and evaluations, may be submitted in support of your nomination.
For more information please visit http://newenglandarchivists.org/awards/service
Archival Advocacy Award
The submission deadline for the AAA has been extended to February 15th! Who will you nominate for 2015?
Do you know of a person or institution who has helped to further the mission of the archives profession through sponsorship, financial support, increasing public awareness, or other projects? If so, consider nominating them for the Archival Advocacy Award. All you need to do in order to nominate someone is submit language detailing why you feel the candidate deserves the NEA AAA. Although they are not required, additional materials such as a curriculum vitae (resume), publications, work products, course outlines and evaluations, may be submitted in support of your nomination.
For more information please visit http://newenglandarchivists.org/awards/advocacy