NEA taking the past into the future


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  • 2018-06-05 8:42 AM | Michelle Chiles
    Our Common Code: Ethics in the Archives

    Friday, October 26, 2018
    John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum, Boston, MA

    New England Archivists (NEA) invites submissions of session proposals for the Fall 2018 Meeting, "Our Common Code: Ethics in the Archives." The meeting will take place at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in Boston, Massachusetts, on Friday, October 26, 2018. The deadline for proposals is July 31, 2018

    We make ethical decisions in our work as archivists, especially towards preserving a fair and inclusive historical record and collective memory. These decisions help shape our professional ethics, and sharing these experiences improves our ethical context. The Fall 2018 Meeting will give archivists and allied professionals an opportunity to discuss archival ethics in three areas: appraisal and acquisitions, description, and access.  

    The Fall 2018 Program Committee is seeking proposals for presentations that facilitate conversation about archival ethics. Presentations can take the form of case studies, stories, or lightning talks. We encourage creative approaches, and we will give priority to proposals that foster group conversation. Each presentation must be no more than ten minutes long, and proposals must indicate which of the three above thematic areas they relate to.

    For complete description and submission form, visit the Fall 2018 Meeting page.

  • 2018-04-18 10:13 AM | Michelle Chiles

    Community Engagement Coordinator
    The Community Engagement Coordinator works to increase public appreciation and understanding of archives by conceiving and developing outreach, engagement, and advocacy opportunities for the general public and specific groups (e.g., teachers, historians, related organizations). Contact Sarah Shoemaker (

    Membership Committee Chair
    The Membership Committee works to recruit new members to NEA; retain current members; support members by providing access to membership information, promoting benefits and events available from NEA, and administering benefits when appropriate; and engage members in ongoing support of the organization. Contact Ellen Doon (

    Newsletter Editors
    The New England Archivists Newsletter is currently accepting applications for both the News/Notes Editor and Reviews Editor positions. The four editors of the quarterly Newsletter take turns serving as lead editor and assistant editor on issues, and all editors work to solicit feature articles and columns.

    The Reviews Editor solicits books for reviews, solicits book review contributors, edits reviews, and submits them for publication (term starting January 2019). The News/Notes Editor solicits news updates from NEA members, New England repositories, NEA Roundtables, and creates the calendar of upcoming events that would be of interest to NEA members (term starting October 2018).

    Applicants for newsletter editor must submit a resume and writing sample to Sean Parke ( and Claire Lobdell ( by May 15, 2018.

  • 2018-03-18 1:36 PM | Anonymous

    The N.E.A/A.R.T. Spring 2018 Meeting Program Committee has put together a handy navigation aid to use while participating in “Rise Up,” from March 22-24, 2018.
    Personalize your conference experience by downloading the free mobile app Guidebook, which can be used on iOS, Android, or the web. You can download this using Google Play or the App Store.

    Once you have Guidebook installed on your phone, click on the magnifying glass and search ‘NEA/A.R.T.’ The guide ‘NEA/ A.R.T. Meeting Spring 2018’ will pop up. Select and download this guide. With this app you can make your own schedule, browse vendors and supporters, and get food and drink recommendations from your colleagues.

    Alternatively, go to to obtain a link to the guide on your phone.

  • 2018-03-05 9:19 AM | Michelle Chiles

    At this year’s NEA/ A.R.T. meeting, the NEA Membership Committee is sponsoring a resume review session for professionals at any stage of their career seeking guidance and feedback on their resume. If you are a seasoned professional, now is your chance to give back and help a fellow archivist advance in their career!

    If you would like to review or be reviewed, please sign up here by Wednesday, March 14th. Please note which form you are signing (Reviewer/ Get Reviewed).

    SEEKING REVIEW? Are you ready to take the next step in your career but need a little feedback? Are you dusting off the old CV after a few years in the same position? If you are interested in having your resume reviewed by an experienced colleague at the Spring Meeting, sign up here!  Be sure to sign up on the sheet labeled “Sign up to have your resume reviewed”.

    BE A REVIEWER! Now is your chance to give back and help out a fellow archivist looking to develop their career. We’ve all been there! The Membership Committee is seeking knowledgeable, generous volunteers to review resumes. Volunteers can sign up on the Google Sheet - make sure to sign up on the sheet labeled “Volunteer to review resumes”

    Date: Saturday, March 24
    Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am
    Place: Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale,
    Church room

  • 2018-03-05 9:11 AM | Michelle Chiles
    Sign-ups are now open for our dinner night on Thursday, March 22nd! Get to know someone new while enjoying delicious food. We are offering the opportunity for small groups of conference participants to get to know one another while visiting some of the best restaurants in the area. Reservations for up to 6 people will be made at 7 restaurants, or participants can stop by Café Nine for a slice of pizza sponsored by the Records Management Roundtable. 

    Participants will meet in the Omni Hotel, head to the restaurant as a group, and pay for their own meals. Sign up online at

  • 2018-03-02 12:39 PM | Michelle Chiles

    For those who’ve signed up for this year’s NEA Mentoring Program, please stop by to introduce yourself and meet mentors and other participants. For those who haven’t signed up and are interested in learning more about the program for the next cycle, please stop by to chat with the program’s facilitators. All are welcome.

    Date: Saturday, March 24
    Time: 8:00 am - 9:00 am
    Place: Omni New Haven Hotel at Yale,
    Wooster room

  • 2018-02-21 9:36 AM | Michelle Chiles


    Now accepting applications through Wednesday February 28, 2018.

    There's still time to apply for one of New England Archivists' three awards to help members in their professional development and activities:

    Richard W. Hale, Jr. Professional Development Award
    The Hale Award is given annually by NEA to promote the professional development of archivists in the region. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. For more information on the award and submitting an application, go to:

    Richard L. Haas Records Management Award
    The Haas Award is given annually by NEA in support of a project that promotes increased cooperation, understanding, and knowledge between the archival and records management professions. Applicants need not be a member of NEA to receive this award. For more information on the award and submitting an application, go to:

    Audio/Visual Professional Development Award
    The A/V Award is given annually by NEA to promote the professional development of members in the areas of moving image, recorded sound, and time-based media. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. For more information on the award and submitting an application, go to:

    Applications for all three awards and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Representatives-at-large ( by Wednesday, February 28, 2018.

    New England Archivists
    Communications Committee

  • 2018-01-16 3:34 PM | Michelle Chiles

    Join New England Archivists (NEA) and the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York (A.R.T.) for a joint Spring 2018 Meeting. At “Rise Up,” we will explore the personal, professional, and political implications of archival advocacy, particularly with regard to social justice efforts, community engagement, economic challenges, activist tactics, and career sustainability for individuals in the archival field.

    In addition to our sessions, the schedule will include repository tours, a community work day, and the chance to meet up with colleagues from across New England and metropolitan New York.

    Early-bird registration is now open, through February 12. Advanced registration rates will apply after February 12. Registration is also possible on-site.

    Get the details and registration information here:

  • 2018-01-08 11:11 AM | Michelle Chiles

    Members of New England Archivists voted in December for Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, and one Representative-at-Large. The election results are in. Please join the 2017 Nominating Committee in congratulating the newest members of NEA's leadership:

    Jamie Kingman Rice, VP/President Elect
    Caitlin Birch, Secretary
    Cristina Pochilo, Representative-at-Large

    Thank you to all who voted in this year's election, and a big thank you to all of the candidates. We appreciate your willingness to run.

    New England Archivists 2017 Nominating Committee
    -- Jennifer King, Chair
    -- Rosalie Gartner
    -- Tom Hyry
    -- Colin Lukens
    -- Rachel Onuf

  • 2017-12-21 11:13 AM | Michelle Chiles

    New England Archivists seeks a volunteer to serve as Community Engagement Coordinator, working to increase public appreciation and understanding of archives, as a member of the NEA Communications Committee. The Community Engagement Coordinator will conceive and develop outreach, engagement, and advocacy opportunities for the general public and specific groups (e.g., teachers, historians, related organizations). Read a full description of the responsibilities here.

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