NEA taking the past into the future


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  • 2019-02-05 4:39 PM | Michelle Chiles

    The 2019 New England Archivists Nominating Committee seeks nominations for the following: 


    If you know an individual or organization that has provided extraordinary support—politically, financially, or through public advocacy—for New England archival programs and records, please consider nominating this person or organization for the NEA Archival Advocacy Award. Nominees need not be a member of NEA and do not even need to be in the New England region to be considered. This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize advocates for archives. See the NEA website for criteria for eligibility, previous award recipients, and more details.


    If you know a colleague who has been a leader in promoting and furthering the objectives of NEA, please consider recognizing them by nominating them for the NEA Distinguished Service Award. This award provides a way to showcase the leadership our members bring to the profession. Please see the NEA website for criteria for eligibility, previous award recipients, and more details

    Nominations for both awards must be submitted by MARCH 1, 2019. Please send nominations and supporting documentation, as well as any questions, to Ellen Doon, Immediate Past President, at

  • 2019-01-25 4:53 PM | Michelle Chiles

    ​Dear New England Archivists members:

    The field of archives is changing every day -- and this is your chance to help shape the evolving profession in the New England region. Participate in NEA's annual Membership Survey to help us better serve you and our profession. If you are a current member or even if your membership has lapsed, we are interested your feedback. Your responses will be completely anonymous.

    The survey, which takes about 15-20 minutes, includes questions about general NEA membership, meetings and events, education/training, NEA roundtables, and how NEA communicates with members. At the end of the survey, current NEA members can enter to win a prize: a free year of membership in NEA!

    The survey will be open until Saturday, February 16, 2019, at 11:59pm. The NEA Membership Committee thanks you for your participation.

  • 2018-12-06 12:06 PM | Michelle Chiles

    Remember to Vote!

    Mark your calendars now for the 2018 New England Archivists election. Voting will start November 19 and continue through December 7.

    Candidates are listed below alphabetically, and you can read the candidates' statements on the NEA website. Private and secure voting will take place online through, which will send each voter a unique link.

    The candidates are:

    Vice President/President Elect
    -- Linda Hocking
    -- Eliot Wilczek

    -- Myles Crowley
    -- Cynthia Harbeson

    Representatives-at-Large (two positions open)
    -- Jennifer Betts
    -- Molly Brown
    -- Michael P. Dello Iacono
    -- Michael Lotstein

    To be eligible to vote, you must be a member in good standing. Please make sure your membership is current and that your contact information, including email address, is up to date in the NEA membership database. If you have questions about your membership status, please contact the Membership Secretary (

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2018:
    Ellen Doon (chair)
    Maria Bernier
    Stephanie Call
    Rosemary Davis
    Jennifer Gunter King
    Tom Rosko

  • 2018-11-16 4:29 PM | Michelle Chiles

    Meghan R. Rinn of the Barnum Museum, in Bridgeport, CT, will join us to discuss her article “Nineteenth-Century Depictions of Disabilities and Modern Metadata: A Consideration of Material in the P.T. Barnum Digital Collection.”  Read the article and join us for an online discussion of the issues of description and disability in archival collections.

    Article link:

    This event is free and will be hosted by the New England Archivists Education Committee, using Zoom, on December 11th at noon.

    Registration is limited to 10 participants and will open soon. Please register by December 7th at 12:00 PM.

  • 2018-11-14 12:15 PM | Michelle Chiles

    The New England Archivists Mentoring Program is seeking volunteers to serve as Mentoring Liaisons. We are looking for three Mentoring Liaisons to take on support roles in Mentoring Circles. Liaisons will provide program information to participants and assist mentors with logistical tasks, including scheduling meetings and acting as mediators when issues or concerns arise within a circle. Liaisons will help mentors brainstorm discussions and activities as needed. The Mentoring Liaisons serve for two years as members of the Membership Committee. They report directly to the Mentoring Administrator and keep the Membership Committee Chair and the NEA Board informed about circle activities.

    First launched in 2013 by the Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS), the NEA Mentoring Program offers members the opportunity to participate in Mentoring Circles, which are small groups that typically consist of four to six mentees and two co-mentors. Diverging from the traditional one-on-one mentoring model, the circle model fosters not only mentoring relationships between the mentors and the mentees, but also peer mentoring relationships among the mentees and between the co-mentors. More information about the program is available here:

    In the most recent cycle, five Mentoring Circles consisted of ten mentors and more than twenty mentees. The Circles are supported by the Mentoring Liaisons, who help to schedule meetings and communicate with participants. This rewarding opportunity is a great way to network, build your resume, and become more involved with the NEA community. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the three Mentoring Liaison positions, please email a letter of interest detailing your relevant experience, reasons for applying for the position, and your availability to commit to a two-year term, to the Mentoring Administrator, Jessica Holden, at by November 15, 2018.

  • 2018-11-02 7:58 PM | Anonymous

    Mark your calendars now for the 2018 New England Archivists election. Voting will start November 19 and continue through December 7.

    Candidates are listed below alphabetically, and you can read the candidates' statements on the NEA website. Private and secure voting will take place online through, which will send each voter a unique link.

    The candidates are:

    Vice President/President Elect
    -- Linda Hocking
    -- Eliot Wilczek

    -- Myles Crowley
    -- Cynthia Harbeson

    Representatives-at-Large (two positions open)
    -- Jennifer Betts
    -- Molly Brown
    -- Michael P. Dello Iacono
    -- Michael Lotstein

    To be eligible to vote, you must be a member in good standing. Please make sure your membership is current and that your contact information, including email address, is up to date in the NEA membership database. If you have questions about your membership status, please contact the Membership Secretary (

    New England Archivists Nominating Committee 2018:
    Ellen Doon (chair)
    Maria Bernier
    Stephanie Call
    Rosemary Davis
    Jennifer Gunter King
    Tom Rosko

  • 2018-11-02 7:56 PM | Anonymous

    The New England Archivists Mentoring Program is seeking volunteers to serve as Mentoring Liaisons. We are looking for three Mentoring Liaisons to take on support roles in Mentoring Circles. Liaisons will provide program information to participants and assist mentors with logistical tasks, including scheduling meetings and acting as mediators when issues or concerns arise within a circle. Liaisons will help mentors brainstorm discussions and activities as needed. The Mentoring Liaisons serve for two years as members of the Membership Committee. They report directly to the Mentoring Administrator and keep the Membership Committee Chair and the NEA Board informed about circle activities.

    First launched in 2013 by the Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS), the NEA Mentoring Program offers members the opportunity to participate in Mentoring Circles, which are small groups that typically consist of four to six mentees and two co-mentors. Diverging from the traditional one-on-one mentoring model, the circle model fosters not only mentoring relationships between the mentors and the mentees, but also peer mentoring relationships among the mentees and between the co-mentors. More information about the program is available here:

    In the most recent cycle, five Mentoring Circles consisted of ten mentors and more than twenty mentees. The Circles are supported by the Mentoring Liaisons, who help to schedule meetings and communicate with participants. This rewarding opportunity is a great way to network, build your resume, and become more involved with the NEA community. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the three Mentoring Liaison positions, please email a letter of interest detailing your relevant experience, reasons for applying for the position, and your availability to commit to a two-year term, to the Mentoring Administrator, Jessica Holden, at by November 15, 2018.

  • 2018-11-02 7:50 PM | Anonymous

    The New England Archivists Representatives-at-Large seek NEA members to serve on the Awards Committees to help review applications for the following:

    -- Hale Professional Development Award
    -- Haas Records Management Award
    -- A/V Professional Development Award

    You need only be a current NEA member in good standing to volunteer; no prior experience with NEA or with awards committees is required, making this a great opportunity for both new and seasoned members to get involved with NEA. The review and discussion of applications is all conducted virtually, so no travel or in-person meetings are required. Applications for these awards will be accepted starting in early December, and winners will be chosen by February. For more information on NEA awards and scholarships, see:

    To volunteer, send an email to the NEA Representatives-at-Large ( with your name, contact info, and the name of the award selection committee(s) on which you would like to serve by Tuesday, November 20th. If we receive more volunteers than we have spaces for, volunteers will be selected at random.

    New England Archivists
    Communications Committee

  • 2018-09-20 3:48 PM | Michelle Chiles
    The 2019 Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship Committee is now forming, and we need your help.

    First awarded in 2016, the New England Archivists Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship is given annually to the presenters of one session during the Spring Meeting. The session must be dedicated to issues of inclusion, diversity, and social justice within the profession.

    The Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) is seeking a current member of NEA to serve on this committee, working with representatives from the IDC Committee and the Spring Programing Committee. This committee is charged with awarding the Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship for 2019. More details on this award can be found on the NEA website:

    If you are interested (or have questions), email your contact information and a short statement of intent to by October 15, 2018.

    This is a great opportunity to get involved with NEA. We look forward to working with you!

  • 2018-09-20 3:43 PM | Michelle Chiles

    First awarded in 2016, the New England Archivists Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship is given annually to the presenters of one session during the Spring Meeting. The session must be dedicated to issues of inclusion, diversity, and social justice within the profession.

    The session will be chosen from the proposals submitted to the Spring Meeting Program Committee; there is no separate application process. The presenters of the session will be eligible for a total of up to $1200 in reimbursement for registration, travel, and hotel expenses.

    The deadline for proposals for the Spring 2019 Meeting is Friday, September 28, 2018.

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