NEA taking the past into the future

Workshop: Approaching Transition and Grief in Acquisitions Work

2019-03-21 11:14 AM | Anonymous

Approaching Transition and Grief in Acquisitions Work

Acquisitions work often takes place during times of transition. Donors, whether records creators or their family members, independent agents or institutional faculty/staff, may be experiencing associated feelings of grief and loss. As a result, an acquisitor’s job involves far more than simply bringing in records. A holistic understanding of a donor’s transition, along with the ability to navigate and negotiate difficult conversations at the point of acquisition, can determine our success as stewards of cultural heritage.

For the last three years, Mumford, Hayes, and Ilacqua have explored the topics of transition, grief, and loss through interviews with professionals including palliative care workers, ombudspersons, and members of the clergy, as well as extensive research into medical perspectives on loss and grief.

This live webinar will map loss and grief to archival acquisitions work and offer techniques adopted and developed by grief professionals to assist in handling donors in transition. It will also explore affect theory, maintenance work, emotional labor, and self-care techniques, and offer attendees an opportunity to review and respond to case studies. This webinar is for forward-facing archivists at any point in their career.

Presenters: Heather Mumford, Carolyn Hayes, and Joan Ilacqua, all of Harvard Medical School

Date/Time: April 30, 2019 / 2:00-3:00 PM

Maximum registration number: 50

Cost: Free

Registration link

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