NEA taking the past into the future

Call for NEA Committee Members

2017-02-23 9:28 AM | Michelle Romero

New England Archivists is looking for committee members for two of our upcoming meetings. If you are interested in volunteering for either committee, please contact the chairs by March 6, 2017.

Fall 2017 Meeting, Cambridge, MA
NEA seeks two volunteers for the Fall 2017 Meeting Program Committee. The half-day symposium will take place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the fall of 2017. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please send a brief statement of interest to Elizabeth Andrews, Co-Chair, at by March 6th. On behalf of committee members Myles Crowley, Chris Tanguay, Emily Gonzalez, and Nora Murphy.

Spring 2018 Meeting, New Haven, CT
NEA is looking for five volunteers to help plan our upcoming meeting in New Haven, CT, which will be co-sponsored by the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. In partnership with our NYC colleagues, there will be opportunities to plan sessions, select plenary speakers, and assist with local arrangements and associated events. The joint Program Committee will kick off its work with an in-person planning meeting on April 7th in New Haven. If you are interested in serving on this Committee, please send a brief statement of interest to Rachel Chatalbash (, Co-Chair, by March 6th.

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