NEA taking the past into the future

NEA webinar and networking event at Tufts

2017-01-09 9:23 AM | Michelle Romero

Join the New England Archivists at Tufts University on Friday, January 27th for our third on-site SAA webinar and networking event followed by small group discussions of how to apply the tools and techniques presented in the webinar at your own organization. Light refreshments will be provided.

Introduction to Processing Digital Records and Manuscripts

Friday, January 27, 2017
Webinar viewing: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Discussion: 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The actual steps of processing digital materials are the same as for analog materials—it's how you conduct them that differ. This webinar introduces you to techniques for adapting traditional archival practices to the management of digital archival materials and serves as an introduction to the Arrangement and Description of Electronic Records DAS courses. Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
1) Adapt traditional archival practices to managing electronic records and manuscripts;
2) Select appropriate tools to use when processing digital records and manuscripts;
3) Design and develop workflows for accessioning and processing digital records and manuscripts.

This webinar is based in part on Module 2: Processing Digital Records and Manuscripts by J. Gordon Daines III, (Society of American Archivists, 2013). Module2 is part of SAA series Trends in Archives Practice series, which addresses the practical management of archives and manuscript collections in the digital age. (Note: The ebook is single-user license and requires downloading of Adobe Digital Editions). Click here to buy a copy of Module 2.

If you are seeking your DAS certification, or just want to enhance your understanding of working with born digital records, this webinar viewing and networking event is an opportunity to explore the topic at a greatly reduced rate. For those attendees who wish to take the exam, information will be provided at the event for you. Each exam costs $35.00, payable by the attendee to SAA.

Fees: Students: $5.00  |  NEA Members: $10.00  |  Non-NEA Members: $15.00
Only nine seats still available, so register now.

NEA thanks Tufts University for hosting the third webinar and networking event.


If you are interested in volunteering with the NEA Education Committee to provide more events like these to members and the general New England archival community, see current open positions on the NEA website

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