NEA taking the past into the future

Congratulations to all NEA award winners

2016-04-08 8:40 AM | Michelle Romero

During the New England Archivists Spring 2016 Meeting in Portland, Maine, we had the opportunity to honor our colleagues for all the great work they do for the profession and for NEA... Here is the 2016 list of NEA award winners:

Archival Advocacy (presented by Immediate Past President Jill Snyder)
​     ​ProjectARCC presented to founder Casey Davis

A/V Professional Development (presented by Rep-at-Large Jessica Sedgwick)
​     ​Adam Schutzman to attend the 2016 Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference

Distinguished Service (presented by Immediate Past President Jill Snyder)
​     ​Kathryn Hammond Baker (awarded posthumously) accepted by her daughter Olivia Baker

Hale Professional Development (presented by Rep-at-Large Jessica Sedgwick)
​     ​Nicole Topich to attend the ​2016 ​International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums

Inclusion and Diversity Session and Travel Award (presented by Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator Anna Clutterbuck-Cook)
​     ​Boston Public Schools Desegregation: From Digital Library to Classroom​ | presenters:​
Giordana Mecagni, Patricia Reeve, Marilyn Morgan, Josue Sakata, Andrew Elder, and Julia Collins Howington

NEA Member Meeting and Travel Scholarship (presented by Rep-at-Large Abby Cramer)
​     ​Rebecca Fullerton*, Allyson Glazier, and Kate Wells

Susan von Salis Student Meeting and Travel Scholarship (presented by Kim Brookes)
​     ​Desiree Alaniz and Hayley Lamberson

*Rebecca Fullerton also won first prize for the Friday night StorySLAM, Moths in the Archives: Stories from the Stacks, for her story "Donor Serendipity"

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