NEA taking the past into the future

Meet the NEA Candidates: Secretary

2015-10-28 9:17 AM | Michelle Romero

NEA leadership has worked hard over the past few years to greatly expand member’s benefits and programs. On November 2nd voting for next year’s NEA leaders will begin. Make sure to read up on the candidates and vote for NEA’s future.


The Secretary is a voting member on the Executive Board, prepares and circulates the minutes of the Executive Board Meetings and Annual Business Meeting, updates the Policy and Procedures Manual, and transfers all non-current records to the NEA archives.

This year we have two candidates for the position of Secretary (LISTED ALPHABETICALLY). Each candidate answered the question: What do you see as the major challenges for archivists in New England and what do you see as NEA’s role in addressing that challenge, over the next three years?


Caitlin Birch
Digital Collections and Oral History Archivist, Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College

Service to NEA: Co-chair, Strategic Plan Task Force, November 2014 - Present; Co-chair, Mentoring Task Force, June 2014 - September 2015; Co-founder, NEA Mentoring Program; Co-founder and Co-chair, Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS), January 2013 - March 2014

Read more about Caitlin...


Adrienne Pruitt
Collections Management Archivist, Tufts University

Service to NEA: Secretary, 2014-2016; Member, Records Schedule Implementation Task Force, 2015

Read more about Adrienne... (scroll down one candidate)

Tomorrow watch for our announcement on Meet the Candidates for President-Elect/Vice President.


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