NEA taking the past into the future

Registration for Fall 2015 is now open

2015-09-14 8:40 AM | Kelli Bogan


We are excited to announce that registration is now open (symposium only or workshop and symposium) for the New England Archivists' Fall 2015 New England Meeting, "Exploring the Eye of History." This unique meeting promises to be a fascinating experience so make sure to reserve your space early.

The two-part day will begin at the AS220 studios with a small morning workshop, where thirty participants will gain hands-on experience developing images using several 19th-century photography processes like cyanotype and wet plate collodion photography.

The afternoon session, a larger symposium at the Providence Public Library, will include talks and demonstrations devoted to the history and techniques of 19th-century photography. The day will culminate with a collaborative reinterpretation of a magic lantern show by Providence’s Wonder Show.

All presentations will be geared toward those who manage large photographic collections as well as those who work with these materials just occasionally -- novices and seasoned archivists alike. Whatever your level of experience, this meeting will have something for you. Enthusiasm is the only prerequisite!

Registration opens today, Monday September 14th. For more information about the program, local resources (such as parking, hotels, and restaurants), and the registration process, see the NEA website or follow us on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #NEAfall15.

Looking forward to seeing you in Providence!

Fall 2015 Program Committee

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