Do you know of a workshop you'd like to attend, but cannot fund on your own? Would you like to present a paper at a conference, but your institution cannot cover your registration and expenses? These are only a few examples of the many ways NEA can help you with your professional development.
Apply for the Hale Award to receive the funding you need to push your archival career forward.
Richard W. Hale, Jr. Professional Development Award
The Hale Award of $1000 is given annually by the New England Archivists (NEA) to promote the professional development of archivists in the region. Individual members of NEA are invited to apply for the award. Applicants may propose participating in an educational program or workshop, preparing a paper for possible publication or oral presentation, attending a professional meeting, or any other activity promoting professional development. The award cannot be used to purchase supplies or equipment. PLEASE NOTE: Recipients are expected to submit a report on their project upon completion to the NEA Newsletter and/or present at the NEA annual meeting.
Application Instructions:
-- Open to members of NEA in good standing.
-- Include your name, address, institutional affiliation, email address, telephone number, date, and signature.
-- Explain, in 500 words or less, the activity the award would support, the expected benefits of the activity, how the award would be used, and a timeline for completion of the project.
-- Attach a copy of your resume and a projected budget.
Applications must be submitted to Jessica Sedgwick (, Hale Award Committee Chair, by February 15, 2015.