NEA taking the past into the future

Registration opens: February 1, 2021
Meeting dates: March 25-27, 2021

Note that webinar registrations are separate from the Spring meeting registration. Click individual descriptions below for webinar registration.

The Spring 2021 Meeting theme, Archives for a Changing World, is inspired by the resiliency of the archives community. Let us use this moment to examine and explore the ingenuity, the resourcefulness, and the curiosity that we as archives professionals bring to a world in a seemingly constant state of flux.

Featuring plenary talks by Elaine Stiles, assistant professor of historic preservation at Roger Williams University, and Becci Davis, artist.

Schedule at a Glance

Asynchronous Activities

Repository Tours

Resume Review

Day of Service

Thursday, March 25

9:30am - 11:30am      Webinar 1: Collections-Based Online Learning in the Digital Archive

1pm - 3:30pm              Webinar 2: Your Guess is Worse Than Mine: How to Estimate Work and Make Decisions

3:30pm - 4:30pm        Live Q&A with repository tour hosts

Friday, March 26

9am - 12pm                 Morning Virtual Salon
The virtual salon is generously sponsored by Preservica

9am - 10am                 Virtual Vendor Showcase

10am -10:50am          Plenary 1: Becci Davis
This plenary presentation is generously sponsored by Lucidea

10:50am - 11am         Break

11am - 12:15pm         Session block 1

12:15pm - 12:30pm    Break

12:30pm - 2pm           Business meeting and awards ceremony

1pm - 4pm                   Afternoon virtual gathering space
This gathering space is generously sponsored by Quartex (a division of Adam Mathew Digital)

2pm - 3:15pm              Session block 2

3:15pm - 3:30pm        Break

3:30pm - 4:45pm        Session block 3

4:45pm - 5pm             Break

5pm - 6pm                   New Member/Early Professional Happy Hour
This gathering is generously sponsored by Polygon

7:30pm                        Watch party: “National Treasure”

Saturday, March 27

9am - 12pm                 Morning Virtual Salon

9am - 10am                 Virtual Vendor Showcase

10am - 10:50am         Plenary 2: Elaine Stiles

10:50am - 11am         Break

11am - 12:15pm         Session block 4

12:15pm - 12:30pm    Break

12:30pm - 1:30pm      Lunch on your own 
       Inclusion and Diversity Committee Reading Circle

1:30pm - 2:45pm        Session block 5

6.1 Building Bridges Over Troubled Waters: Linking Cultural Heritage and Emergency Management to Prepare for Disasters


Virtual Meeting:

   Early bird rate: Feb 1 - Mar 21  Week-of rate: Mar 22 - Mar 27
 Member  $60.00  $80.00 
 Student Member  $30.00   $50.00 
 Non-Member  $90.00   $110.00 
 COVID-19 hardship rate*  $15.00   $15.00 


   Early bird rate: Feb 1 - Mar 24
 Member  $25.00 
 Student Member  $12.50
 Non-Member  $45.00
 Covid-19 hardship rate*  $10.00

* A note on the Covid-19 hardship rate. In Fall 2020 the NEA Executive Board approved a special rate for the Spring 2021 Meeting for any attendee who self-identifies as experiencing financial hardship due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This rate does not apply to workshops.


Asynchronous Activities

Repository Tours
Join us for asynchronous repository tours featuring:

The Rhode Island COVID-19 Archive
This public digital archive was created and is maintained by the Providence Public Library and the Rhode Island Historical Society in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. The project serves to document and share the lived experience of Rhode Islanders from all walks of life during the pandemic.

Watkinson Library at Trinity College
Founded in 1858 in Hartford, Connecticut, the Watkinson Library serves as a research library for the Trinity College community as well as the general public. It holds rare books and manuscripts and other special collections of the college library and archives. Two members of the three-person staff—the College Archivist/Manuscript Librarian and the Rare Books/Special Collections Librarian—offer a virtual tour of the Watkinson's exhibit spaces and exhibit programming, and reflect on how the challenges of the present encourage deep thinking about the past.

Massachusetts General Hospital Archives
The MGH archives houses official hospital records spanning the early nineteenth century to the present, as well as personal papers relating to the careers of people affiliated with the MGH. Join a tour of the repository, affiliated museum collections, and the site of the first successful, public demonstration of ether anesthesia. Potential digressions include mummies, telemedicine, and how one hospital’s archives and museum staff have been operating in the time of COVID-19.

Help Us Make History Project at the Yale University Archives
Since 1939, the University Archives has served as the official repository for the historical records of Yale University. Records held at the University Archives span nearly nine miles from end to end in all forms, from traditional paper and photographs, maps and architectural drawings and three-dimensional objects, to modern digital records, images, and video. This tour will highlight how these historical records play a vital role in supporting University operations as well as teaching and research across a variety of disciplines.

Links to pre-recorded tours will be sent to pre-registered participants, and will include a live Q&A session on Thursday, March 25 at 3:30pm. Please contact Sally Blanchard-O’Brien ( to register.

Resume Review
It’s never too late or too early to brush up your resume! Sign up for a one-on-one asynchronous/remote resume review and get paired with an experienced archivist who can offer constructive advice on how to shape your resume / CV. Please contact Amelia Holmes ( or Cate Peebles ( to register.

Day of Service
Join The History Project, Boston's LGBTQ community archives, for an asynchronous volunteer opportunity during the week of the Spring 2021 Meeting (March 22-27). Participants will help The History Project to improve the digital visibility of women by editing and adding articles on Wikipedia, or they will transcribe oral history interviews with LGBTQ community members. Volunteers are invited to a Day of Service Happy Hour on March 26 at 5pm. Interested? Contact Amy Hietala ( for more information.


Webinar 1: Collections-Based Online Learning in the Digital Archive
Time: 9:30-11:30am
Maximum Registration: 40 participants (REGISTER HERE)

Instructor: Amy Barlow, Associate Professor and Reference Librarian, Rhode Island College

In this webinar about teaching and learning in the digital archive, Amy Barlow will discuss teaching an online first-year seminar that uses collections-based learning as an approach for developing coursework and learning outcomes. The program will describe how students in the course developed academic skills and acquired subject knowledge through the sustained study of a digitized manuscript from the Papers of Dr. Carl Russell Gross (1888-1971), a physician and chronicler of Rhode Island’s Black professional community during the first half of the twentieth century. Participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of collections-based learning with digital materials, which may be adapted to various instructional settings both online and face-to-face.

Webinar 2: Your Guess is Worse Than Mine: How to Estimate Work and Make Decisions
Time: 1:00-3:30pm
Maximum Registration: 50 (REGISTER HERE) 
Instructor: Rachel Macasek, Individual and Team Coach

Have you ever been asked, "When will this be done?" and not known how to answer? This webinar will provide participants with practical tools to increase their confidence in forecasting project timelines. Participants will learn techniques in project estimation, ways to track their work, and tips for collaborating in ways that reduce churn and create alignment within teams.

Workshop instructor Rachel Macasek is passionate about individual and team growth. She has fostered an environment of collaboration and process improvement in the manufacturing, biotech, and software industries, and she leverages agile principles and lean manufacturing experience to help teams deliver value.

Live Q&A with repository tour hosts
Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm

After an opportunity to view asynchronous repository tours from across the New England region, we invite you to join us for an informal Q&A session. Meet repository hosts and learn more about their projects!


Plenary 1: Becci Davis
Becci Davis was born on a military installation in Georgia named after General Henry L. Benning of the Confederate States Army. Her birth initiated her family’s first generation after the Civil Rights Act and its fifth generation post-Emancipation. Just as a river runs from its present in one place to its future in another, gradually and meticulously shaping its surroundings along the way, the women in her family are also rivers—recorders and keepers of recipes, stories, portraits, and traditions. Following their example, Becci believes that events of the past simultaneously shape our present and future. As a Rhode Island-based visual artist who works across disciplines, Becci finds inspiration in exploring natural and cultural landscapes, studying the past, documenting her family’s stories, and recording her present experiences as a daughter, mother, American, and Southern born and raised, Black woman. 

After earning a MFA from Lesley University College of Art and Design, Becci was the recipient of the St. Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award in Visual Art, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Fellowship in New Genres, the Providence Public Library Creative Fellowship, and the RISD Museum Artist Fellowship. Her work has been shown at the Newport Art Museum, TILA Studios, the Photographic Museum of Humanity, Vermont Center for Photography, Franklin Street Works, Burlington City Arts Center, AS220, and in gallery spaces of the University of Rhode Island, Brown University, University of Maryland, Lesley University, and Longwood University. Becci lives with her family in Wakefield, Rhode Island and maintains a studio in Providence. She is currently an adjunct lecturer in Brown University’s Department of Visual Art.

Plenary 2: Elaine Stiles
Elaine B. Stiles, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Historic Preservation in the School of Architecture, Art, and Historic Preservation at Roger Williams University where she teaches courses in preservation practice and the history of the built environment. Before entering academia, Elaine worked for over a decade as an architectural historian, historic preservation planner, and preservation advocate, engaging in projects from the rural reaches of northern Maine to the streets of San Francisco. During that time, she also worked throughout the Pacific Northwest for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and staffed the organization's TrustModern program. Elaine’s scholarly research focuses on common, everyday architecture and spaces such as mass-produced housing, modern spaces of consumption, and landscapes of urban decentralization in pursuit of better understanding of the design history and social and cultural functions of everyday spaces. Her preservation-related research focuses on critical analysis of contemporary historic preservation practice and the intersections of architecture and memory. Elaine holds a BA in Art History from Smith College, an MA in Preservation Studies from Boston University, and a PhD in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. 


Session Title:
Teaching Hard History: Strategies for Engaging Students Using Challenging Materials

Session Description:
Archival collections include—or have archival silences around—challenging, controversial, and even disturbing topics. When and why do we decide to share these records, and how do we present and contextualize them for users? How do we do all this and still care for ourselves? Teaching hard history is a social justice act, and a part of the professional praxis of the four forum moderators, who will open the session with case studies from their work of presenting difficult records and topics, primarily to students, including lessons with primary school students, undergraduates, and student workers. The session will include an interactive portion (potentially in breakout groups) focusing on topics of interest, including teaching hard history in a remote or online context, to enable panelists and participants to share, include, and learn from any and all interested voices and experiences.

Tamar Brown, Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America
Michelle Chiles, Providence College
Pam Hopkins, Tufts University
Blake Spitz, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Session Title:
Capturing the Pandemic: Collecting the COVID-19 Experience

Session Description:
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many of us recognized history in the making. Archivists from three Vermont organizations will recount their efforts to capture the impact of COVID-19 on their communities. Their collecting endeavors have netted images, audio diaries and interviews, written reflections, artwork, signage, masks, and other objects acquired through both crowdsourced and archivist-driven approaches. Strategies discussed will include fast-forwarding project development in the moment, implementing collecting methods and logistics, marketing projects to different constituent groups, using release forms and other legal issues, and managing a project’s evolution as the pandemic has continued.

Paul Carnahan, Vermont Historical Society
Andy Kolovos, Vermont Folklife Center
Erica Donnis, Champlain College

Session Title:
Community Connections: Implementing Collaborative Public Humanities and Citizen Archiving Projects

Session Description:
Engaging in collaborative partnerships can pay off in spades, raising awareness of and appreciation for archival programs and collections, inspiring in-depth study, or harnessing collective wisdom. This session will feature three public humanities and citizen archiving projects involving partnerships with students, faculty, community organizations, museums, and local residents, on projects revolving around diverse collections including sheet music, weather data, personal papers, government archives, and local history collections. The rich and varied outcomes—a documentary film, public radio broadcast, website, oral histories, blog posts, physical and online exhibits, and enhanced technical description and metadata—expand the reach of the archives' collections and programs. Presenters will share thoughts on the challenges posed by these collaborative processes as well as the rewards, showcase final products, and provide tips for developing projects of your own.

Jason Wood, Simmons College
Lori Podolsky, McGill University
Erica Donnis, Champlain College

Session Title:
Creating a Civil Rights Collection: Documenting Jonathan Daniels

Session Description:
This panel discussion will center upon documenting the life of civil rights martyr Jonathan Daniels (1939-1965) and building a civil rights collection from among multiple institutions. Because there is no definitive Daniels collection, researchers interested in this civil rights activist must contact several different institutions for the relevant information in their holdings. Some of these repositories are separated by thousands of miles, presenting challenges for researchers unable to visit them, and for archives staff unable to help when material is not available online or in digital form. In this conversation, panelists will discuss their vision for creating a network of collections connected to Daniels’ life and legacy that is readily accessible to patrons anywhere.

Taelour Cornett, Keene State College
Rodney Obien, Keene State College
Lawrence Benaquist, Professor Emeritus at Keen State College
Mary Jensen, Jonathan Daniels Center for Social Responsibility
Jeffery Kozak, Virgina Military Institute

Session Title:
Considering Inclusivity: How Three Harvard Libraries Are Working Towards Conscious and Conscientious Description

Session Description:
Guidelines for inclusive, conscious, and conscientious archival description can support consistency in researching and describing marginalized groups. In this session, archivists and librarians from different Harvard University special collections libraries will talk about efforts to prepare best practice guidelines for inclusive description and for revising description to remediate outdated, problematic, or offensive language and meet modern standards. Speakers will address the challenges of describing collection materials concerning people of color, people with disabilities, women, LGBTQ people, and other marginalized groups; describing materials that might be racist, ableist, sexist, and/or homophobic/transphobic; and processing with care within an MPLP-influenced framework. They will share how processing and cataloging team members are working together to create meaningful and enduring changes that both provide a better experience for staff and users and support the school’s Action Plan for Racial Equality. This session will provide examples, inspiration, and resources for any institution desiring to bring more inclusive descriptive practices to their collections.

Annalisa Moretti, Houghton Library, Harvard University
Betts Coup, Houghton Library, Harvard University
Mary Samouelian, Baker Library Special Collections, Harvard University
Christine Riggle, Baker Library Special Collections, Harvard University
Charlotte Lellman, Center for the History of Medicine, Harvard University

Session Title:
Respecting Our Resources: Striving for More Inclusive Labor Practices

Session Description:
Even before the arrival of COVID-19 and working remotely, the processing unit at the MIT Libraries’ Department of Distinctive Collections (DDC) had transformed itself by transforming its approaches to labor and personnel. The DDC’s processing unit increased its full-time staff dedicated to processing, renewed efforts to hire student workers, revived its internship program, and adjusted policies for hiring temporary contract staff. Following a social justice framework, it also made changes in its approach to temporary staffing with an eye toward creating a more equitable model. This work has expanded to include more teams in the DDC. In this panel discussion, current processing supervisors and past temporary MIT employees will share their experiences in reshaping supervisory and hiring practices of students, temps, and interns, both in person and remotely.

Greta Suiter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alex McGee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Elise Riley, New England Yearly Meeting of Friends
Chris Tanguay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joe Carrano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Session Title:
Radical Empathy in the Archives in the Time of COVID-19

Session Description:
Radical empathy is defined as the process of actively striving to understand the feelings and experiences of others and, through this awareness, working to improve their lives in a concrete fashion. In the time of COVID-19, how can archivists practice radical empathy towards coworkers and archives colleagues affected by reduced or eliminated employment? Three archivists—in a public library, a college archives, and a corporate archives—will consider a range of scenarios and possibilities: managing workflows to include non-archivist colleagues; utilizing underemployed colleagues to assist with backlogs of work and unprocessed collections; sharing the wealth of too much to do, especially if you are a Lone Arranger; practicing radical empathy towards outward-facing staff who may suddenly have lost their audience. This session’s suggestions and perspectives can help us all understand and practice radical empathy towards our colleagues.

VivianLea Solek, Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Archives
Kate Boylan, Wheaton College
Meg Rinn, Bridgeport History Center, Bridgeport Public Library

Session Title:
The National Park Service in the Era of JEDI

Session Description:Sharing the concerns of the archives community inspired by the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) movement, National Park Service archivists are rethinking traditional descriptive practices and involving wider audiences in the work. Social media and new uses of controlled vocabulary and database interfaces are changing how the records of early feminists, environmental advocates, and gay activists are described and publicized. At one NPS branch, the Northeast Museum Services Center, an internal working group led by emerging professionals is suggesting reforms to the workplace based on the principles of inclusion and equity. This session’s lightning talks will focus on case studies and conclude with a discussion of future paths for the NPS that will interest and inspire archives of any type.

Margaret Welch, Northeast Museum Services Center
Anthony Reed, Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site
Deanna Parsi, St. Paul’s School
Kate Hanson Plass, Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site
Jennifer Skarbek, Northeast Museum Services Center
Alexandra Kornyu, Northeast Museum Services Center

Session Title:
National Archival Finding Aid Network

Session Description:
State and regional finding aid aggregations enable institutions of all sizes to better serve researchers by pooling resources and facilitating discovery across many repositories at once. Thanks to early investment by institutions, states, and funders, there are now sixteen such aggregators across the country, including Connecticut Archives Online and Rhode Island Archives and Manuscripts Online. However, participants in these ventures still struggle to find sufficient resources to update their infrastructure, meet evolving user needs, and engage with promising advances in the field. The descriptive work being done by these groups remains siloed by location, limiting opportunities for broader cross-searching. Should we continue on these parallel paths trying to solve the same problems? Or might we pivot and work collectively towards a more robust, sustainable, shared infrastructure that would enable national access to collections? Learn about the initiative spearheaded by the California Digital Library to create a National Archival Finding Aid Network that aims to transform the archival description landscape in the United States.

Karen Eberhart, Brown University
Kate McNally, Brandeis University

Session Title:
Building Bridges Over Troubled Waters: Linking Cultural Heritage and Emergency Management to Prepare for Disasters

Session Description:
Climate change and an ongoing pandemic are increasing the challenges and threats to the cultural heritage resources archivists preserve and protect. The panelists represent national and state organizations committed to protecting these resources from disasters by connecting cultural heritage and the arts sectors with emergency management and building networks to educate and prepare for disasters. In this session, after introducing their respective organizations, they will describe current actions and plans, and open up the discussion to include opportunities for collaboration between cultural heritage and emergency management.

Sally Blanchard-O’Brien, Vermont Arts & Culture Disaster and Resilience Network (VACDaRN)
Elaina Gregg, Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC)
Lori Foley, Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF)
Rachel Onuf, Vermont Arts & Culture Disaster and Resilience Network (VACDaRN)
Alejandra Dean, Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness - Massachusetts (COSTEP-MA)

Session Title:
Do You Know What I Did Last Summer: Executing a Major Collections Move in a Building With No AC During a Pandemic

Session Description:
Staff of the Maine State Archives will recount their experiences dealing with the double disasters of a complete HVAC failure not only in the middle of the pandemic but also during a very hot summer. They found themselves navigating the state bureaucratic system and shifting timelines to find new locations for staff and collections. They transitioned from working from home because of the pandemic to working from home because the building was too hot to work in. They continued trying to balance ongoing grant projects, researcher needs, and outreach requirements, all in a year that should have been a celebration of Maine’s bicentennial. A central theme is the persistent need for archivists to advocate for and educate stakeholders and others about what they do—and that an archival collection is not just a warehouse for boxes.

Kate Herbert, Maine State Archives
Heather Moran, Maine State Archives
Samuel Howes, Maine State Archives

Session Title:
Making Metadata Inclusive to Marginalized Voices

Session Description:
Events of last summer, and the ongoing efforts at GBH to be more inclusive, sparked archives staff at GBH to reexamine and rework their descriptive metadata standards to be more inclusive and responsive to marginalized voices. A standard for metadata that can be more flexible to change with social awareness and changing social values is vital to work on both internal and external access systems. This session will discuss creating a new list of terms that is more reflective and inclusive. GBH staff will share their work creating more flexible systems of categorization while cautioning that categorizing can itself perpetuate oppression if not handled properly. Joining the needs of the archive with the needs of marginalized communities is one way to ensure the archive is able to assess the impact of its legacy and advance and uphold its values for equity and inclusion.

Raananah Sarid-Segal, GBH Media Library and Archives
Miranda Villesvik, GBH Media Library and Archives
Rebecca Fraimow, GBH Media Library and Archives
Leah Weisse, GBH Media Library and Archives

Session Title:
Labors' Love Lost ... and Found?: Archival Workers in Pandemic Times

Session Description:
The past year has seen seismic shifts in archival labor as the COVID-19 pandemic prompted workplaces across New England to shift to work-from-home models on an emergency basis, reshape our physical work environments, and change the conditions under which we labor. Many of us have experienced financial crises from reduced compensation, cut hours, furloughs, or layoffs. At this open forum, moderated by organizers of the Archival Workers Emergency Fund, lone arrangers and student workers, digital asset managers and processing archivists, archivists job-seeking and those still working from home or socially-distanced at their workplace—archival workers of all kinds—can come together and reflect on what we have learned, lost, discovered, and hope for in our work, our workplaces, and the labor of doing archives in pandemic times. What gaps in current infrastructure (organizational, technological, social, governmental) related to our field and our work have the pandemic exposed? What can we imagine for ourselves and our work moving forward? How can we build a better (archival) world?

Anna J. Clutterbuck-Cook, Massachusetts Historical Society
Alison Clemens, Yale University Library
Carady DeSimone, CA, independent archivist

Session Title:
You CAN Get There from Here: Using Remote Tools and Resources to Connect to Primary Sources

Session Description:
Supported by innovative approaches to traditional services, archivists, students, and researchers are finding new ways to engage with each other. This session features reports from two projects aimed at taking new approaches to remote access to primary sources. Greenhouse Studios will introduce “Sourcery,” a not-for-profit platform that helps researchers access documents that are not online, and describes its series of workshops on remote access to Archives and Special Collections. UConn’s Archives and Special Collections discusses its “Out of the Archives, Into Your Home” initiative that helped staff rapidly shift to online teaching and maintain academic continuity. Presenters will share some of the tips, resources, and lessons they learned while transitioning primary source instruction to the digital environment.

Rebecca Parmer, University of Connecticut
Gregory Colati, Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut
Garrett McComas, Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut
Sara Sikes, Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut
Wes Hamrick, Greenhouse Studios, University of Connecticut
Jessica Colati, University of Massachusetts Boston

Session Title:
Free the Archives During the Pandemic

Session Description:
This interactive session examines new trends in copyright law and policy driven by the pandemic, as archives and special collections contend with copyright and licensing issues to provide access to patrons. The lessons learned and policies developed have the potential not only to facilitate access during the pandemic present, but also to change how copyright-related decisions involving access and risk are made in archives in the future.

Kyle K. Courtney, Harvard University

Vendor Showcase

Virtual Vendor Showcase
Visit our Exhibit Hall online! Our top sponsors will showcase their services and answer your questions. 

Friday Sponsors (in alphabetical order): 

Saturday Sponsors (in alphabetical order): 

Other Events

Virtual Salon
The Program Committee will be offering a virtual space for chatting and networking throughout the conference. If you are looking for a space to meet new friends, reconnect with old colleagues, take a break from attending sessions, learn something new, socialize over a beverage and snack, or see everyone's pets, this is the place for you!  All are welcome!New Member / Early Professional Happy Hour

New to NEA and the profession? Have questions about career development and want to get to know others in the NEA community? Join us for break-out conversations with seasoned archivists and representatives from NEA’s Membership Committee to discuss mentorship, volunteer opportunities with NEA, job searches, and navigating a challenging career market.

Watch party - “National Treasure”
When one thinks of archives on the silver screen, likely only one film comes to mind - the 2004 Nicolas Cage vehicle National Treasure.

Oscar winner Cage stars as Benjamin Franklin Gates, a “historian” and amateur cryptologist searching for an ancient Freemason treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers. He’s guided by a secret map hidden on the back of the Declaration of Independence - stolen from the National Archives! According to Rotten Tomatoes, the film is “a fun ride for those who can forgive its highly improbable plot.”

Come celebrate all the archival and historical inaccuracies of the film that Peter Travers of Rolling Stone lovingly deemed “rancid cinematic cheese” by joining us in an online watch party.

Click here for the film's trailer

Details forthcoming, but attendance will likely be limited. Please contact Rachel Jirka ( to register.

Inclusion and Diversity Committee Reading Circle

Join the Inclusion and Diversity Committee and author Jessica Tai at the Spring 2021 Virtual Meeting for a discussion of her article “Cultural Humility as a Framework for Anti-Oppressive Archival Description.” The article outlines a structure for archivists and institutions to remediate and contextualize harmful descriptions and commit to the ongoing process of learning how to describe materials through a lens of cultural humility. The article is available through The Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies and can be accessed here: We hope to see you there!


Meeting details are subject to change.

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