NEA taking the past into the future

Fall 2014 Meeting

November 1, 2014
Salve Regina University
Newport, Rhode Island


Schedule at a Glance

Noon – 1:00pm: Registration

1:00pm – 1:15pm: Welcome and introduction

1:15pm – 1:45pm: Lightning round

1:45pm – 2:00pm: Break

2:00pm – 3:30pm: Concurrent sessions

Room 106
Challenges, Workflows, and Insights in the Collaboration to Preserve America's Public Media

Room 107
Codices and Widgets and Plugins, Oh My! Putting WordPress to Work for Archives

Room 120
The Digital Launch of the Nimitz ‘Gray Book’

Room 121
Establishing a Records Management Program

Room 123
Online Exhibits on a Shoestring

3:30pm – 3:45pm: Break

3:45pm - 4:00pm: Announcements

4:00pm – 5:00pm: Discussion and wrap up


Kathy Wisser is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts. She also serves as the co-director of the Dual Degree program in Archives and History and the director of the post-Masters Archives Certificate program at Simmons.

Session Descriptions

Challenges, Workflows, and Insights in the Collaboration to Preserve America's Public Media
Casey Davis, Project Manager, American Archive of Public Broadcasting, WGBH Educational Foundation
Karen Cariani, Director, WGBH Media Library and Archives, WGBH Educational Foundation

Many of the most important memorable messages of the 20th and 21st century have been expressed in moving images and sound. After its brief and shining moment on the air, however, most public media stations' important and memorable recorded treasures, produced at significant costs, are never seen nor heard again and are inaccessible to the American public. In 2013, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting selected WGBH in collaboration with the Library of Congress as the permanent stewards of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, an initiative with the goal of identifying, preserving, and making accessible to the public, as much as possible, the archives of public television and radio. This session will report on workflows instituted by the American Archive team to collect born digital materials from content contributors. Presenters will describe their experiences working with participating organizations; discuss the logistics of working with digitization vendors; describe the steps needed to plan and manage the logistics for this type of project; identify metadata required for submission of born digital media assets into the collection; and share an instructional packet created for content contributors. While the session's presenters will report on the methods and workflows of the American Archive project, the learning outcomes can be applied in a variety of archival settings, and the issues discussed are relevant to all archivists. This session will be particularly useful to archivists working col non botively with non­archivist content contributors within or outside their own institutions and those who are charged with the task of managing analog and born digital media.

AAPB NEA Resources
NDSA Levels of Preservation
PBCore Handout
PBCore Template

Codices and Widgets and Plugins, Oh My! Putting WordPress to Work for Archives
Emily Tordo, Assistant Archivist, Phillips Academy

Creating a new website from scratch or redesigning an existing website can be daunting even for the technologically savvy. In this session, Tordo will share her experience and walk attendees through the process of website creation using WordPress, a free, open source content management system (CMS). Using real-world examples as well as attendees’ ideas, Emily will work through the process of developing a website, creating a decision tree, understanding information architecture, and designing a functioning website that will display finding aids, curate exhibits, and engage patrons. Over the course of the session, the group will create a fictional archives website, and attendees will gain greater understanding of content management and HTML as well as plugins and widgets unique to WordPress.

*Please note: attendees are advised to bring a laptop to this session to enable full participation.



The Digital Launch of the Nimitz ‘Gray Book’
Allen Benson, Director, U. S. Naval War College Library & Professor, U. S. Naval War College
Evelyn Cherpak, Head of Naval Historical Collection, U. S. Naval War College
Diana Coderre, Project Manager & Account Manager, The Digital Ark, Corp.
Lisa Long Feldmann, Project Archivist, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
John Hattendorf, Director, Naval War College Museum, & Professor, U. S. Naval War College
Anurag Spatzenegger, Technical Director, The Digital Ark, Corp.

Small staffs and shrinking budgets don’t have to translate into limited opportunities and shelved project proposals. Archives can focus on limited but significant outcomes, build partnerships, and streamline the design and development process. Projects might initially focus on a small amount of content and metadata that can potentially impact researchers worldwide while increasing funding opportunities. This session will introduce these strategies and how they impacted the digital launch of the Nimitz “gray book.” Attend the session to work through planning and implementation scenarios while sharing your own experiences with your fellow workshop participants. Topics will include RFPs, milestones and deliverables, featured item roll outs, assessment, and how to optimize design, development, implementation and digitization by partnering with vendors which specialize in digital preservation and the development and hosting of archives databases and websites. The session will also discuss outreach, online resources, analytics, and Omeka. Attendees and presenters will discuss the potential use of technologies to solve problems in attendees’ institutions, no matter what systems are already utilized for web content management, collections management and archival digital collections. The session will include mock planning sessions to design workflows, strategies, and outcomes for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions online, and how to implement these projects regardless of the institution’s size, budget, or al resources.

Contact Information
Hattendorf Handout
Workshop Outline
Planning Template
The Nimitz Graybook Program Handout


Establishing a Records Management Program
George Despres, University Records Manager, Brandeis University

The session will commence with a brief (10 minute), PowerPoint review of Records Management (RM) fundamentals, a records program outline, and available resources. Based on a given case scenario, a set of questions will be posed, to enhance audience participation and build the components and sub­components of a RM program. The session will conclude with a summary, additional “next steps” considerations for a records program and final thoughts from the audience.



Online Exhibits on a Shoestring
Sophia Becerra­Licha, Project Archivist, Berklee College of Music
Renee DesRoberts, Reference and Archives Librarian, McArthur Public Library
Ernie Gillis, Manager of Learning Resources Web Development, Berklee College of Music

Looking to put together an online exhibit but stymied by a lack of resources or know ­how? Seeking inspiration or unsure where to start? Join us as we demonstrate some of the innovative ways in which multimedia virtual displays of archival collections are being developed in two lone arranger shops: McArthur Public Library and Berklee College of Music’s Stan Getz Library. The session will highlight products from both institutions and will focus on points of interest to practitioners in archives of many shapes and sizes: planning, workflows, and implementation; and maximizing human resources and capitalizing on free tools such as Omeka. Slides Handout

2014 Fall Program Committee

Chair: Abigail Cramer
Michelle Chiles
Genna Duplisea
Keith Pendergrass
Keith Chevalier
John Healey
Colin Lukens, Board Representative, Member-at-Large

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